Number of reported effects for the outcome phototactic behaviour. ‘+’ animals are more attracted to a flashing light than a continuous one, ‘-’ animals are less attracted to a flashing light than a continuous one, ‘ns’ no significant effect. Sample size: Aves (n = 14 observations), Actinopterygii (n = 8), Insecta (n = 8), Mammalia (n = 1), Plankton (n = 2). As directions of effects are not homogeneous between the different types of reported outcomes, we decided to only show the number of effects for phototactic behaviour, the most studied outcome which accounts for 60% of the corpus with 33 observations.

  Part of: Lafitte A, Sordello R, Legrand M, Nicolas V, Obein G, Reyjol Y (2023) Does a flashing artificial light have more or conversely less impacts on animals than a continuous one? A systematic review. Nature Conservation 54: 149-177.