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Article title
Key words
Rights-of-way of LTIs and safeguarding biodiversity
Estimate of the national asset of potential ecological shelter
Materials and methods
Cartographic tools
Delineation of urban and industrial areas
LTIs and their specific ROW width
Power lines
Linear extent of potential ecological shelter
Linear extent of PES along LTI networks
Share of the different LTIs in the total PES linear extent
Surface area of potential ecological shelter
Surface area of PES along LTI networks
Share of the different TLIs in the total PES surface area
Potential ecological shelter bound to power line network
Current management of ROW
Potential ecological shelter bound to waterway network
Linear extent and surface area features
Current management of ROW
Potential ecological shelter bound to railway network
Linear extent and surface area features
Current management of ROW
Potential ecological shelter bound to road network
Linear extent and surface area features
Current management of ROW
Key right-of-way features with implication for ecological management
A revised involvement for LTI operators and local stakeholders
Involvement of local skills in ecological management
Contracting between operators and local stakeholders
Implementing national policy at local scale
Additional information
Conflict of interest
Ethical statement
Author contributions
Author ORCIDs
Data availability
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