Principal Component Analysis of diversity indices, plant functional type cover and physiognomic factors across management types. The diversity indices examined are species number (sp_num), Shannon (Sha) and Simpson (Sim) diversity. Plant functional type cover includes graminoids (Gram.), forbs and phanerophytes (Phanero.). Plant physiognomic factors are average plant height (height), total plant cover (full_cov), bare soil surface (bare_soil) and litter cover (litter_cov). Management types: mown, grazed and combined management. The direction, width and different colours of the ellipses in the figure show us the relationship between the samples of different management types. The length and direction of the arrows show the explanatory power and relationship of each variable studied with management types and other variables.

  Part of: Kun R, Babai D, Csathó AI, Erdélyi A, Hartdégen J, Lengyel A, Kálmán N, Mártonffy A, Hábenczyus AA, Szegleti Z, Vig Á, Máté A, Malatinszky Á, Tóth T, Vadász C (2024) Effects of management complexity on the composition, plant functional dominance relationships and physiognomy of high nature value grasslands. Nature Conservation 55: 1-19.