Time interval of capture events during 2015. Capture events of O. eremita during the MIPP project monitoring in 2015 in four Italian study sites (grey line = Foresta della Lama; black line = Feudo Intramonti e Colle di Licco; black dashed line = Val Fondillo; black dotted line = Difesa di Pescasseroli).

  Part of: Maurizi E, Campanaro A, Chiari S, Maura M, Mosconi F, Sabatelli S, Zauli A, Audisio P, Carpaneto GM (2017) Guidelines for the monitoring of Osmoderma eremita and closely related species. In: Carpaneto GM, Audisio P, Bologna MA, Roversi PF, Mason F (Eds) Guidelines for the Monitoring of the Saproxylic Beetles protected in Europe. Nature Conservation 20: 79-128. https://doi.org/10.3897/natureconservation.20.12658