Total fires per month in the Cerrado of Amapá, 2007 – 2016. Total number of hot pixels in the Cerrado of Amapá between 2007 and 2016 in the rainy and dry seasons (summed across all municipalities and all years). The hot pixels were quantified as described in the legend of Figure 4. The classification of months in to the rainy and dry seasons followed Tavares (2014).

  Part of: Mustin K, Carvalho WD, Hilário RR, Costa-Neto SV, Silva CR, Vasconcelos IM, Castro IJ, Eilers V, Kauano EE, Mendes-Junior RNG, Funi C, Fearnside PM, Silva JMC, Euler AMC, Toledo JJ (2017) Biodiversity, threats and conservation challenges in the Cerrado of Amapá, an Amazonian savanna. Nature Conservation 22: 107-127.