Chorological spectrum of taxa collected in the Mar Piccolo over the years. 2018 data for winter only. In addition to the analysed years 2008 and 2011–2018, unpublished floristic data from 1989 have been included. A=Atlantic, C=Cosmopolitan, CT=CircumTropical, IP=Indo-Pacific, M=Mediterranean.

  Part of: Petrocelli A, Cecere E, Rubino F (2019) Successions of phytobenthos species in a Mediterranean transitional water system: the importance of long term observations. In: Mazzocchi MG, Capotondi L, Freppaz M, Lugliè A, Campanaro A (Eds) Italian Long-Term Ecological Research for understanding ecosystem diversity and functioning. Case studies from aquatic, terrestrial and transitional domains. Nature Conservation 34: 217-246.