Organisation of EBVs-related keywords for the metadata element “eLTER Parameter”. As an example, the Figure illustrates the tree structure for the Marine realm. The Figure shows the metadata field “Object (taxon)”, associated with the eLTER Parameters element and analysed for LTER-Italy metadata. According to the realm selected, specific taxonomic terms are exposed. Empty circles provide the branches illustrated. Light blue circles are not expanded in the Figure.

  Part of: Zilioli M, Oggioni A, Tagliolato P, Pugnetti A, Carrara P (2019) Feeding Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs): actual and potential contributions from LTER-Italy. In: Mazzocchi MG, Capotondi L, Freppaz M, Lugliè A, Campanaro A (Eds) Italian Long-Term Ecological Research for understanding ecosystem diversity and functioning. Case studies from aquatic, terrestrial and transitional domains. Nature Conservation 34: 477-503.