Mixed-effects logistic regression model showing foraging habitat selection (third order, use vs. available) by California spotted owls near or within the boundary of the 2014 King Fire. The model structure was logit (yi)=β0+β1*distancei+β2*distancei2+β3*severityi+σindividual, where the final term was a random effect for individual owls. The coefficient estimate for β3 was −0.951 (95% CI = −1.28, −0.62) and the odds ratio was OR(β3) = 0.38 (95% CI = 0.28, 0.54), indicating that owls avoided high-severity-burned forest relative to other severities and unburned forest.

  Part of: Jones GM, Gutiérrez RJ, Kramer HA, Tempel DJ, Berigan William J, Whitmore Sheila A, Peery MZ (2019) Megafire effects on spotted owls: elucidation of a growing threat and a response to Hanson et al. (2018). Nature Conservation 37: 31-51. https://doi.org/10.3897/natureconservation.37.32741