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Exploring the historical distribution of Dracaena cinnabari using ethnobotanical knowledge on Socotra Island, Yemen.
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Michael Ka Yiu Hui, Bosco Pui Lok Chan (2024)
Analysis of a 131-year longitudinal dataset of the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra in Hong Kong: implications for conservation.
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Citizen science characterization of meanings of toponyms of Kenya: a shared heritage.
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Clara Tattoni, Natalia Bragalanti, Marco Ciolli, Claudio Groff, Francesco Rovero (2021)
Behavior of the European brown bear at rub trees.
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Historical research of wolf population in Pisan hills between XVII and XXI centuries: evolution of tolerance in hunters, citizens, and naturalists in a conservation perspective.
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Past and present existence of Spermophilus citellus in Hungary with a forecast of its population using time series models.
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Clara Tattoni, Marco Galaverni, Antonio Pollutri, Damiano G. Preatoni, Adriano Martinoli, Jorge E. Araña (2024)
Not only seeds: a cultural ecosystem service provided by the Apennine brown bear.
Human Dimensions of Wildlife29: 14.
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Across Madagascar, treeless grasslands characterised by erosion gullies are named after forest and trees.
DOI: 10.1002/ppp3.10542
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