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Michael Procko, Robin Naidoo, Valerie LeMay, A. Cole Burton, Francesco Rovero (2023)
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Alys Granados, Catherine Sun, Jason T. Fisher, Andrew Ladle, Kimberly Dawe, Christopher Beirne, Mark S. Boyce, Emily Chow, Nicole Heim, Mitchell Fennell, Joanna Klees van Bommel, Robin Naidoo, Michael Procko, Frances E. C. Stewart, A. Cole Burton (2023)
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Madison R. Uetrecht, April Bermudez, Daniel Novoa, Jennifer Reithel, Vaneza Rodriguez, Rosemary Smith, Shannon Sprott, Morgan W. Tingley, Daniel T. Blumstein (2023)
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Alys Granados, Zara McDonald, Katie McPherson, David Stoner (2024)
Unraveling the impact of dog‐friendly spaces on urban–wildland pumas and other wildlife.
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