Benoît Moison, Sylvain Gerber, Andréa Filippo, Maxime Grosmougin, Jocelyn Falconnet, Nicolas Rinder, Philippe Gaubert, Lionel Hautier, Guillaume Billet (2025)
Scaling up morphological differentiation of pangolin scales: Serial, ontogenetic and evolutionary variation.
The Anatomical Record
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DOI: 10.1002/ar.25624
Priyan Perera, Hasitha Karawita, Chathuri Jayasinghe (2022)
The applicability of camera trap data to monitor the cryptic Indian pangolin (Manus crassicaudata) populations: A survey from a tropical lowland rainforest in Southwest Sri Lanka.
Global Ecology and Conservation34: e02046.
DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2022.e02046
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