Positive examples of transport infrastructure development in the Carpathian countries A underpass constructed on the railway in the cadastre of the Mosty u Jablunkova close to national border in Czech Republic B overpass connecting the High and Low Tatra Mountains in Slovakia C overpass on M43 between Szeged and Nagylak in Hungary D blue retro reflectors installed on odometers on Main Road1 in Hungary E, F the first green bridge ever built in Romania on Lugoj-Deva highway, close to Brănișca Village

  Part of: Papp C-R, Dostál I, Hlaváč V, Berchi GM, Romportl D (2022) Rapid linear transport infrastructure development in the Carpathians: A major threat to the integrity of ecological connectivity for large carnivores. In: Santos S, Grilo C, Shilling F, Bhardwaj M, Papp CR (Eds) Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions. Nature Conservation 47: 35-63. https://doi.org/10.3897/natureconservation.47.71807