Review Article |
Corresponding author: Alix Lafitte ( ) Corresponding author: Romain Sordello ( ) Academic editor: Marcus Fritze
© 2023 Alix Lafitte, Romain Sordello, Marc Legrand, Virginie Nicolas, Gaël Obein, Yorick Reyjol.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Lafitte A, Sordello R, Legrand M, Nicolas V, Obein G, Reyjol Y (2023) Does a flashing artificial light have more or conversely less impacts on animals than a continuous one? A systematic review. Nature Conservation 54: 149-177.
Background: Light pollution has been increasingly recognised as a threat to biodiversity, especially with the current expansion of public lighting. Although the impacts of light intensity, spectral composition and temporality are more often studied, another component of light, its flicker frequency, has been largely overlooked. However, flashing light could also have impacts on biodiversity, and especially on animal behaviour and physiology.
Objective: This systematic review aimed at identifying the reported physiological and behavioural impacts of flashing light on animals when compared to continuous light.
Methods: We followed the standards recommended by the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence (CEE) in order to achieve a comprehensive, transparent and replicable systematic review. Citations were primarily extracted from three literature databases and were then screened for relevance successively on their titles, abstracts and full-texts. Retained studies were finally critically appraised to assess their validity and all relevant data were extracted. Only studies which compared a flashing light to a continuous one were included.
Results: At first, we found 19,730 citations. Screening and critical appraisal resulted in 32 accepted articles corresponding to 54 accepted observations—one observation corresponding to one species and one outcome. We collated data on four main taxa: Aves (the most studied one), Actinopterygii, Insecta and Mammalia as well as on plankton.
Conclusions: The impacts of flashing light are currently critically understudied and varied between species and many light specificities (e.g. frequency, wavelength, intensity). Therefore, no definitive conclusions could be drawn for now. Thus, research on flashing light should be pressingly carried out in order to better mitigate the impacts of Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) on wildlife. In the meantime, we would recommend precautionary principles to be applied: flashing lighting should be limited when not deemed essential and flicker frequencies managed to prevent animals from experiencing any potential harm from flashing light.
Blinking light, critical flicker fusion frequencies, dark infrastructure, dynamic lighting, light emitting diodes, nature, sensory disturbance, vision
Since the 1990s, species diversity has been decreasing at an accelerating pace (
Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) have a wide range of impacts on biodiversity from alterations of an individual’s physiology, behaviour and reproduction to ecosystem-wide consequences through impacts on species mobility, relationships and habitat use, threatening community persistence at the landscape level (
Another component of anthropogenic light sources has been largely overlooked despite its potential effects on species: its flicker frequency. Flicker results from the alternating nature of power supply (i.e. 50 Hz in Europe and 60 Hz in the United States) and may usually reach a frequency of 100 Hz (or 120 Hz). All light technologies may be affected by flicker, in particular vapour discharge—such as high-pressure sodium lamps—and LED which are more commonly used as outdoor lighting. Additionally, the expansion of the LED market has also enabled new advanced dynamic lighting to flourish, as exemplified by flashing shop fronts and ad panels or new traffic-regulated street lamps (
The perception of a flashing light is variable according to the species and depends on a threshold frequency value, called the Critical Fusion Frequency (CFF) (
Hence, we propose this systematic review which aimed at answering the following question: what are the known physiological and behavioural impacts of flashing artificial light on animals when compared to continuous light? We chose to only consider and report results comparing continuous and flashing lights because we felt they were the only ones to really evaluate the effect of the flashing characteristic of a light stimulus, as opposed to the effect of the light stimulus as a whole. We followed the method recommended by the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence (CEE) (
This review followed the method for systemic reviews recommended by the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence (CEE) (
We carried out a search for literature on three accessible databases from the Web of Science platform (Clarivate): Web of Science Core Collection, Biological Abstracts, and Zoological Records. These databases were chosen for their functionalities, which enabled an advanced search strategy to be carried out, and because of their wide coverage on biological and ecological matters. For the Web of Science Core Collection search, SCI–EXPANDED, SSCI, A&HCI, CPCI–S, CPCI–SSH, BKCI–S, BKCI–SSH, ESCI and CCR–EXPANDED citation indexes were used. As for Biological Abstracts and Zoological Records, we had access to all indexed databases (respectively 1969–present and 1864–present). In order to achieve the best recovery of citations, several successive search strings were designed by both ecological scientists from the
French National Museum of Natural History (
((“light* flash*” OR “flicker* light*” OR “blink* light*” OR “light* strob*” OR “strob* light*” OR “light* wink*” OR “light* puls*” OR “puls* light*” OR “intermittent* light*” OR “dynamic* light*” OR “light*dimm*” OR “dimm* light*” OR “discontinuous light” OR “dynamic illumination” OR “flash rate” OR “change$ of light*”) AND (ecolog* OR biodiversity OR ecosystem$ OR species OR vertebrate$ OR mammal$ OR reptile$ OR amphibian$ OR bird$ OR fish* OR invertebrate$ OR arthropod$ OR insect$ OR arachnid$ OR crustacean$ OR centipede$ OR animal$ OR plant$* OR bacteri* OR microorganism*)).
The search was then conducted on “Topic” (TS) on 1 February 2021 and reached a comprehensiveness of 86%, corresponding to the percentage of articles from the test list retrieved by the search string.
Following CEE guidelines for systematic reviews (
Include | Exclude | |
Population | - All wild and domesticated species in all types of ecosystems (e.g. animals, fungi, plants, micro-organisms) | - Humans |
- Isolated organs (except those from the visual pathway, optical nerve and/or pineal gland) | ||
Exposure | - Artificial flashing light sources at all wavelengths and correlated colour temperatures | - Natural (e.g. lightning) or unknown light sources |
At the full-text screening stage, these Population and Exposure criteria were further refined (Table
Include | Exclude | |
Population | - All wild animal species in all types of ecosystems | - Domesticated animals |
- Alive specimens | - Humans, plants, fungi and micro-organisms | |
- Conscious specimens | - Dead specimens and therefore isolated organs, tissues or cells | |
- Anaesthetised specimens | ||
Exposure | - Artificial flashing light sources at all wavelengths and correlated colour temperatures | - Natural or unknown light sources |
- Short-lived flashing patterns | - Very slow flashing light patterns spreading on possibly several hours (e.g. circadian patterns) | |
Comparator | - Studies comparing a continuous light source to a flashing one | - Studies only comparing the obscurity (no light) to a flashing light source |
- Studies comparing several flicker frequencies | ||
Outcome | - Physiological and/or behavioural responses | |
Language | - Articles written in English and/or French | |
Document type | - Journal article, book chapter, technical report, Ph.D. or M.Sc. theses | |
Document content | - Primary research articles | - Reviews and meta-analyses, modelling studies without experimental data |
Screening was carried out by at least two reviewers: ML and RS for titles, ML, RS and YR for abstracts, ML, RS and AL for full-texts. For title and abstract screening, a Randolph’s Kappa coefficient was computed on a random sample of 5% of all articles in order to assess the consistency of the inclusion/exclusion decisions between screeners. This process was repeated until reaching a Kappa coefficient value higher than 0.6, usually considered sufficient (
A call for literature—and in particular non peer-reviewed articles published in French and/or English—was also carried out by contacting a group of 40 experts on 12 February 2021. Indeed, as there exists a publication bias where only significant results may be accepted for publication, the CEE advocates for grey literature to be included in the literature search of systematic reviews to limit the risk of overestimating the effect of the exposure on the studied population (
Other sources of literature were added to improve the comprehensiveness of our search. First, we included references dealing with flashing light coming from
Critical appraisal is one of the defining stages of systematic reviews, albeit it remains rarely performed in environmental evidence syntheses (
Accepted articles after screening stages were split into observations, an observation corresponding to one species and one outcome, in order to carry out a critical appraisal and assess the validity of each single observation for a given article—e.g. an article analysing two responses of three different species would be split into six observations which would then be critically appraised individually. A test was conducted on a subsample of observations by two reviewers (RS and AL), then critical appraisal was performed by AL for all observations. To prevent any conflicts of interest, special care was taken to ensure that no reviewer would critically appraise articles they co-authored.
When hypothesizing a ‘gold standard protocol’, carried out in the context of an ideal and quasi-perfect study supposedly granted with unlimited financing, time and workforce (
Each of these criteria was assigned a ‘high’, ‘medium’ or ‘low’ risk of bias (see Suppl. material
We considered an observation to be unreliable in the total absence of control or replication, therefore resulting in its exclusion. However, due to expected in-situ experimenting challenges and because we wanted to ensure the best comprehensiveness of study designs, in-situ observations with only one experimental site (but several replicates) were still kept but were given a high risk of bias in the Replication criterion.
Data on the influence of flashing light for a particular species or taxa were extracted by one reviewer (AL) although a test was first conducted on a subsample of observations by two reviewers (RS and AL) to assess agreement between reviewers. Metadata were also extracted for each observation, namely locations, specificities of population (age, sex) and light sources (type, wavelength, power, luminance, correlated colour temperatures and flicker frequency) as well as outcomes (e.g. behaviour, weight, mortality). Each species was associated with its taxonomic class and name updated with the latest taxonomy (
Accepted observations are described in an exhaustive narrative synthesis (see Suppl. material
A total number of 19,730 citations were extracted from the three databases from which 5,253 citations were kept after title screening. Among them, 2,145 citations had no indexed abstracts and were discarded. After abstract screening, 2,594 citations were kept. With the addition of 68 citations identified through the call for grey literature and 63 identified by the review team, 2,130 PDFs were successfully retrieved and screened on full-texts. The screening process resulted in 32 accepted articles (see Suppl. material
All 32 articles accepted after the screening process were then split into 62 observations—an observation corresponding to one species and one outcome—and subjected to critical appraisal. Among them, 54 observations were accepted on which 22.2% (12 observations) were rated with a high, 70.4% (38 observations) with a medium and 7.4% (4 observations) with a low risk of bias (see Suppl. material
The earliest accepted observations were published in 1972. However, this research subject boomed at the start of the 2000s and the vast majority of observations (51 observations) were investigated between 2000 and 2020, with a slight increase over time (see Suppl. material
The majority of accepted observations came from our search on Web of Science Core Collection database (32 observations) while 10 were provided thanks to the work carried out during
The United States (US) is the primary research location with 22 observations, followed by the United Kingdom (11 observations), Canada (6 observations) and Germany (4 observations). The 11 remaining observations were conducted either in Egypt, Switzerland, Israel, Japan, Taiwan and Brazil, as well as one joint experimental observation carried out between the US and Israel (Fig.
Most of the 54 observations used LED (17 observations), 11 used gas discharge lamps and three used incandescent bulbs. Experiments were also carried out thanks to lasers (3 observations), a video projector (1 observation) or a monitor screen (1 observation). Sometimes, several light sources were used at the same time: for instance, LED and gas discharge (4 observations), LED and incandescent (3 observations). In some cases, the light source was not sufficiently reported which resulted in some observations having an unclear light source appended to them (see Suppl. material
Data on the four main taxonomic classes Aves (28 observations), Actinopterygii (10 observations), Insecta (8 observations) and Mammalia (6 observations) were collated (Fig.
In the vast majority of cases, observations measured the effects of flashing light on animals’ behaviour (Fig.
Before reading the following results, the reader has to be reminded that only observations comparing a flashing light to a continuous one were included; all other comparisons were not reported in this review—e.g. obscurity compared to flashing light or comparing several flicker frequencies.
Taking the example of phototactic behaviour, the most studied outcome with 33 observations (60% of the corpus), a clear and definitive conclusion on the effects of flashing light remains hard to draw (Fig.
Number of reported effects for the outcome phototactic behaviour. ‘+’ animals are more attracted to a flashing light than a continuous one, ‘-’ animals are less attracted to a flashing light than a continuous one, ‘ns’ no significant effect. Sample size: Aves (n = 14 observations), Actinopterygii (n = 8), Insecta (n = 8), Mammalia (n = 1), Plankton (n = 2). As directions of effects are not homogeneous between the different types of reported outcomes, we decided to only show the number of effects for phototactic behaviour, the most studied outcome which accounts for 60% of the corpus with 33 observations.
Summary of flashing light effects by outcomes and risks of bias for all different taxa. ‘L’ low risk of bias, ‘M’ medium risk of bias, ‘H’ high risk of bias, ‘+’ flashing light increases the outcome compared to continuous light, ‘-’ flashing light decreases the outcome compared to continuous light, ‘ns’ no significant effect, ‘•’ no data.
Due to this strong heterogeneity of results, we chose to provide, in the following section, a brief summary of our main findings. For a full and exhaustive narrative synthesis of all observations and results included in this systematic review, we refer the reader to Suppl. materials
On birds, we collated 28 observations. First, in 5 observations, flashing light appeared to be less attractive than continuous light to night-migrating birds and might thus help lower the number of avian fatalities with communication towers or wind turbines, even though such results could be wavelength-dependent (
On fishes, we reported the results of 10 observations. Fish phototactic behaviour was found to be highly variable and seemed to be, in part, species-, frequency- and wavelength-dependent (
Regarding insects, 8 observations were collected. Overall, flashing light was shown to produce an effect on insect phototactic behaviour, but results were highly species- and frequency-dependent (
Mammals were investigated in 6 observations. Bat activity level was reported in two observations and phototactic behaviour once. Both outcomes were not found to be significantly influenced by flashing light (
Finally, we also collated two studies on the phototactic behaviour of plankton, which did not find any significant impact of flashing light over continuous light (
Within this systematic review, which aimed at summarising the physiological and behavioural impacts of flashing light on animals, 32 articles accounting for 54 observations were accepted. After carrying out screening and critical appraisal, 28 observations on birds, 10 on fishes, 8 on insects, 6 on mammals, as well as 2 on plankton were collected (Fig.
Summary of results for the four main studied taxonomic classes. ‘+’ flashing light increases the outcome compared to continuous light, ‘-’ flashing light decreases the outcome compared to continuous light, ‘ns’ no significant effect. For clarity, the two observations on plankton phototactic behaviour are not shown but were both found to be non-significant.
While the evidence still seems scarce, our results indicate that the effects of flashing light are highly variable between species and taxonomic classes. We found that, in some animal species, a flashing light could be less harmful than a continuous one. For example, the brown-headed cowbird M. ater showed a lower attraction to a 2 Hz flashing light (
In addition to variations between species and taxonomic classes, the response to flashing light may also differ according to the type of exposure to the light source—i.e. flicker frequency, light intensity, wavelength and/or duration.
First and foremost, the response to flashing light depends on the frequency at which the source flashes. For instance,
However, comparing a species CFF with the flicker frequency of a light source may prove insufficient in order to conclude on the existence or absence of impacts of flashing light on animals. Indeed, in real in-situ conditions, many factors can accentuate or limit the perception of a flashing light by an animal (Fig.
The in-situ perception of flashing light by animals depends on several parameters of the light source.
Thus, the impacts of flashing light on animals may be considered highly variable and may depend on the species, the taxonomic class, various parameters from the light source and on the surrounding environment (e.g. buildings, surfaces, vegetation).
In the end, this systematic review highlights a dearth of knowledge on the effects of flashing light on animals. Although the research on this subject has gained momentum since the 2000s, the evidence remains scarce on this matter. While we were able to identify a relative knowledge cluster on birds’ phototactic attraction to flashing light, many other taxa and outcomes were at least poorly studied or simply not investigated. These knowledge gaps on the effects of flashing light should be filled pressingly as lighting is expected to get more and more dynamic with on-demand or sensor lightings being currently rapidly scaled up. While these new technologies could help limit the duration of the exposure to ALAN, the new type of light pollution they may produce and its impacts on biodiversity are not fully understood for now. Likewise, LED, which may flash depending on their technology, are currently being deployed all over the world to reduce the energy consumption of lighting (
Moreover, among the studies included in this systematic review, very few in-situ experiments were carried out. As such, the generalisability of these studies to real-world situations is low. Only one study dealt with sensor lighting (
Another surprising point is that the majority of included studies involved diurnal species, with the starling S. vulgaris being the most investigated species. Indeed, diurnal species can be impacted by ALAN—for example, ALAN disturbs their sleep and can have repercussions on their immunology (
Then, it appears from all previous points that more research on the subject of flashing light should be pressingly carried out in order to keep up with the fast-paced evolution of lighting practices.
First, the studied species and taxonomic classes which were identified in this systematic review should be further investigated. Then, more research is pressingly needed on key taxa which have not yet been studied and could also be at risk of being impacted by flashing light—e.g. moths, amphibians, nocturnal raptors, glow worms. Further research on additional outcomes should also be contemplated such as fitness, foraging or reproductive behaviours as well as other key physiological or spatial outcomes—e.g. immunity, movement, spatial distribution. More in-situ studies should be carried out in order to take into account all light source parameters which may influence a species sensitivity to flashing light—i.e. distance from the light source, orientation, spectrum, intensity. In the case of these in-situ experiments, several locations should also be studied to account for local heterogeneity in species repartition. Based on our criteria for critical appraisal, we advocate for authors to use more robust experimental protocols (Fig.
Selected recommendations for more robust and better reported experimental designs and results.
We also would like to stress the need for a better reporting of experimental designs specifications (Fig.
Our methodology comprised some biases which have to be pointed out. First, while the majority of articles found in this review came from our literature search, more than a third was provided by additional sources of literature, indicative that the scope of our search string might have been too limited.
In addition, we sometimes had to decide to reduce our requirements compared to CEE guidelines (
In addition, citations for which an appended abstract was not available were discarded during the screening process. Indeed, searching for these additional 2,145 full-texts was deemed to represent an unfeasible additional workload within the scope of our project. We nevertheless made sure to create an additional database which lists these citations without abstract (see Suppl. material
We are aware that these limitations may reduce this review’s scope but we believe that this work remains one essential first step in order to better identify and mitigate the impacts of artificial light on biodiversity.
Within this systematic review, more than fifty observations on the behavioural and physiological impacts of flashing light on animals were collected. Birds were the primarily studied taxon while fishes, insects and mammals were less investigated. Phototaxis to flashing light was the most studied outcome but, overall, very few outcomes were investigated. We found little available evidence on nocturnal species: bats were found to be alarmingly understudied while nocturnal raptors as well as glow worms have not been the subject of any research so far. The impacts of flashing light seemed to vary greatly between studied species. On the one hand, flashing light can be more impactful on animals than continuous light. On the other hand, more surprisingly, in the case of night-migrating birds, it might also reduce animals’ phototaxis to ALAN and therefore limit some effects of light pollution. In some other cases, responses to flashing and continuous lights were not found to differ.
As LED and dynamic lighting are currently being rapidly scaled up, this systematic review represents a relevant first step in order to better grasp the actual state of the evidence base regarding the effects of flashing light on biodiversity. However, our results highlighted a crucial lack of knowledge and we therefore advocate for further research to be pressingly carried out. Many more species and outcomes should be investigated and more in-situ experiments conducted in order to better understand real-world lighting situations—e.g. illuminated signs and advertisements, sensor lighting, wind turbines. Then, an update of this review should be contemplated as it will surely allow for more complete and definitive conclusions on the impacts of flashing light to be drawn.
In the meantime, based on these first provisional results, we argue that some precautionary measures should be taken to reduce the potential adverse effects of flashing light on animals. First, from the point of view of lamp engineers and manufacturers, flicker frequencies should be kept way beyond the currently known highest critical frequencies of the animal kingdom—i.e. 500 Hz. Secondly, from a lighting management perspective, new regulations should be implemented in order to better consider this understated flashing parameter of light pollution—as it is the case for more acknowledged characteristics of light such as direction, spectral composition and intensity.
We also wish to thank Françoise Viénot, Christophe Martinsons, Jack Falcón, Christian Kerbiriou, Léa Mariton and Matthieu Iodice for providing us with literature. We also sincerely thank Dakis-Yaoba Ouédraogo and Marie-Pierre Alexandre for their support and advice all along our study.
The authors declare the following competing interests: Gaël Obein is the president of the AFE (French Association on Lighting) and Virginie Nicolas is the president of the ACE (French Association of Lighting Designers and Lighting Engineers).
No ethical statement was reported.
This research was funded thanks to the support of the AFE (French Association on Lighting), the ACE (French Association of Lighting Designers and Lighting Engineers), Citeos and PatriNat (French Office for Biodiversity (OFB)–French National Museum of Natural History (
Conceptualization: YR, RS, GO, VN. Data curation: ML, AL. Formal analysis: AL. Investigation: RS, YR, AL, ML. Project administration: RS, YR. Writing – original draft: RS, AL. Writing – review and editing: ML, RS, AL, VN, YR, GO.
Alix Lafitte
Romain Sordello
Gaël Obein
All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text or Supplementary Information.
ROSES form
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Test list and comprehensiveness
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Citation screening
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Citations excluded at full-text screening
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Citations with irretrievable abstracts
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Unobtainable articles at full-text screening
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Observation critical appraisal
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Systematic review observation database
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Additional bibliometric results and narrative synthesis
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