Research Article |
Corresponding author: Laurențiu Rozylowicz ( ) Academic editor: Natasha Constant
© 2018 Ioan Mihai Pop, Leonardo Bereczky, Silviu Chiriac, Ruben Iosif, Andreea Nita, Viorel Dan Popescu, Laurențiu Rozylowicz.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Pop IM, Bereczky L, Chiriac S, Iosif R, Nita A, Popescu VD, Rozylowicz L (2018) Movement ecology of brown bears (Ursus arctos) in the Romanian Eastern Carpathians. Nature Conservation 26: 15-31.
Brown bear movement patterns are driven by their opportunistic feeding behaviour, with their complex life history and seasonality playing an important role in habitat selection. Within a large unfragmented forest habitats persisting over decades in the Romanian Carpathians and a prohibitive hunting management during 40 years of communist centralised game management, information about brown bear movements and spatial ecology is lacking. Using data obtained from 13 brown bears fitted with GPS telemetry collars, we estimated home ranges and core activity areas and we investigated the daily, seasonal and altitudinal movements of brown bears in the Eastern Romanian Carpathians and surrounding high hills. The median MCP95% home ranges of brown bears was 629.92 km2 and the median size of core activity areas (estimated as 50% kernel density) was 36.37 km2, with no significant differences between males and females. The mean daily distance travelled, measured as daily displacement length, was 1818 m and an analysis of seasonal movements indicated significant differences between seasons (greatest movements during the Hyperphagia season). The GPS-collared brown bears travelled between a minimum altitude measured at ~234 m and a maximum at ~1634 m. Analysing the spatial overlap between the estimated home range and the game management units (GMU) limits, we obtained a median number of 8 GMUs overlapping totally or partially with estimated home range polygons. Our study, using GPS telemetry, highlights the complex spatial ecology of the brown bear in the Romanian Carpathians, with larger home range size than those estimated in other European brown bear populations and with daily movements that vary by season and within a large altitude range. Our study supports the implementation of brown bear monitoring at a regional scale, rather than focusing on county level GMUs as the monitoring unit.
Daily movements, home range, Romanian Carpathians, Ursus arctos
Understanding animal movement patterns is crucial for wildlife management and conservation (
Brown bear movement patterns and spatial ecology are driven by their complex life history and seasonality plays an important role in their selection of habitats (
Large unfragmented forest habitats, persisting over decades in the Romanian Carpathians and surrounding high hills (
In Romania, brown bear ecology data are collected via opportunistic observations at feeding stations or using methodologies for counting track signs (
The aim of the study is to investigate brown bear movement ecology and space use in the Eastern Carpathians and surrounding high hills (Subcarpathians), Romania. We take advantage of a large dataset of Romanian brown bear GPS telemetry gathered between 2011 and 2015 within the framework of several large carnivore conservation projects to quantify annual and seasonal home ranges. We specifically evaluate whether differences in home range sizes exist between males and females, as well as between adults and sub-adults (
The Romanian Eastern Carpathians and Subcarpathians (elevation = 200–2303 m) (Figure
To evaluate the spatial ecology of brown bears, we captured 13 individuals using a bespoke 7.5 m3 cuboid cage with two independent gliding doors. Bears were captured between 2011–2014 (April–September) in 13 locations (Table
GPS collared brown bears in Eastern Romanian Carpathians and Subcarpathians.
Bear code | Sex | Age class | Monitoring period | Monitoring days | Hours between fixes | No. of successful fixes |
Bear2 | male | subadult | 2013 | 233 | 1 | 4836 |
Bear4 | female | subadult | 2013–2014 | 368 | 1 | 8413 |
Bear5 | male | adult | 2011–2012 | 300 | 1 | 3969 |
Bear6 | male | adult | 2011–2012 | 405 | 1 | 8392 |
Bear8 | female | adult | 2012–2014 | 738 | 1 | 12313 |
Bear10 | male | adult | 2012–2013 | 324 | 1 | 5646 |
Bear12 | male | adult | 2013–2014 | 420 | 1 | 6212 |
Bear13 | female | subadult | 2014–2015 | 386 | 2 | 1231 |
Bear14 | male | subadult | 2014–2015 | 309 | 2 | 2021 |
Bear15 | male | adult | 2014–2015 | 387 | 2 | 1781 |
Bear16 | female | adult | 2014–2015 | 360 | 2 | 1725 |
Bear17 | male | adult | 2014–2015 | 270 | 2 | 1024 |
Bear18 | male | subadult | 2012–2013 | 308 | 2 | 2444 |
Bears were fitted with 8 GPS ProLight collars with GSM transmission (Vectronic Aerospace Gmbh) and 5 G2110 collars with Iridium transmission (Advance Telemetry System, USA). Collars were equipped with mortality sensors and with a 12 months planned drop-off activation system. The GPS collars were programmed to collect fixes between 1 to 2 hours. Data were received on a compatible GSM station or through Iridium Data Service available with the collars and pre-processed in order to remove locations with coordinates errors.
The monitoring interval for each individual varied between 233 days (Bear2, subadult male) and 738 days (Bear8, adult female) (median = 360 days, interquartile range - IQR = 387–308- days; Table
To analyse the seasonal variation of home ranges and daily distances covered, we divided annual data into 4 seasons (
We estimated home ranges size for each individual using the 95% minimum convex polygon (
Additionally, we analysed the daily displacement length (m/day) by calculating the Euclidian distance between consecutive fixes at a time interval of 24 hours. Using non-parametric Mann-Whitney test, we tested for seasonal and gender/age-specific differences in daily displacement length and for altitudinal variation between individuals during different seasons in order to test the influence of changes in vegetation distribution and phenology on individuals’ movements.
For statistical analyses and graphics, we used packages adehabitatHR (
The data, underpinning the analysis reported in this paper, are deposited in the Dryad Data Repository at
The median of MCP95% home ranges of brown bears in Eastern Carpathians and Subcarpathians was 629.92 km2 (IQR = 925.66–131.12). Both the largest and smallest home ranges were recorded for adult males (max = 3142.94 km2, min = 73.35 km2) (Figure
The number of core activity areas, estimated using KDE50, varied between min 1 and max 4 areas (median = 2). The median size of core areas per bear was 36.37 km2 (IQR = 84.71–11.91), with minimum and maximum recorded for adult males (min = 1.04 km2, max = 363.81 km2) (Figure
Seasonally, the smallest MCP95% home range size (2.98 km2) was estimated during the Winter sleep season for a subadult male and the largest home range (2036.11 km2) during Hyperphagia season for an adult male (Table
Brown bear home range (MCP95%) size by age class (A) and sex (B) in Eastern Romanian Carpathians and Subcarpathians (box = interquartile range, horizontal line = median, whiskers = 1.5 × interquartile range, points = outliers).
Core area size by age class (A) and sex (B) in Eastern Romanian Carpathians and Subcarpathians (box = interquartile range, horizontal line = median, whiskers = 1.5 × interquartile range, points = outliers).
Brown bears MCP95% seasonal home range sizes in Eastern Romanian Carpathians and Subcarpathians (M = males, F = females).
Bear | Sex | Age class | MCP95% (km2) | |||
Winter sleep | Den exit and reproduction | Forest fruit season | Hyperphagia | |||
Bear2 | M | subadult | 29.88 | 22.98 | 24.04 | 54.50 |
Bear4 | F | subadult | 2.98 | 6.54 | 425.66 | 69.52 |
Bear5 | M | adult | 56.95 | 49.79 | 16.71 | 23.89 |
Bear6 | M | adult | 344.92 | 54.95 | 109.88 | 854.02 |
Bear8 | F | adult | 77.30 | 94.59 | 57.87 | 85.71 |
Bear10 | M | adult | 27.25 | 115.11 | 188.43 | 113.39 |
Bear12 | M | adult | 252.72 | 211.75 | 1195.78 | 2036.11 |
Bear14 | M | subadult | 46.82 | 34.24 | 210.78 | 1222.29 |
Bear15 | M | adult | 177.14 | 14.36 | 201.84 | 79.06 |
Bear18 | M | subadult | 7.76 | 1561.42 | 3.03 | 1047.06 |
Median IQR |
51.88 152.18–27.90 |
52.37 109.98–25.79 |
149.155 208.54–32.49 |
99.55 998.8–71.90 |
The mean size of the 272 GMUs within our study area was 126.97 km2 (stdev = 32.56 km2, min = 70.56 km2, max = 294.56 km2). The number of GMUs overlapping with MCP95% individual home ranges varied between 2 and 32 GMUs (median = 8, IQR = 17–4) with males home range size overlapping more GMUs compared to females and subadult individuals home range size overlapping more GMUs than adults (Figure
The number of GMUs overlapping with KDE50 home range core areas individual home ranges varied between 1 and 10 GMUs (median = 3, IQR = 7–2), with males overlapping more GMUs than females (Figure
Number of Game Management Units (GMUs) overlaping subadults/adults bears (A) and females/males (B) MCP95% annual home ranges in Eastern Romanian Carpathians and Subcarpathians (box = interquartile range, horizontal line = median, whiskers = 1.5 × interquartile range).
The mean daily displacement length calculated for brown bears with data in all seasons was 1818.78 m (stdev = 2338.29 m/day, max = 20833.7 m/day). Seasonal movement analysis indicates statistically significant differences between seasons (Kruskal-Wallis = 82.87, df = 3, p < 0.001), i.e., between Winter sleep season and all other seasons (Table
Seasonal variation of the mean daily displacement length of brown bear in Eastern Romanian Carpathians and Subcarpathians : I – Winter sleep ; II – Den exit and reproduction ; III – Forest fruits; IV – Hyperphagia. (Horizontal line = median value, box = interquartile range, the vertical width = density of the data within a season, points = outliers).
Seasonal variation of the altitude of brown bear locations in Eastern Romanian Carpathians and Subcarpathians: I – Winter sleep ; II – Den exit and reproduction ; III – Forest fruits ; IV – Hyperphagia. (Horizontal line = median value, box = interquartile range, the vertical width = density of the data within a season, points = outliers.
Comparison of seasonal daily displacement length of brown bears in Eastern Romanian Carpathians and Subcarpathians (Dunn test with Bonferroni adjustment, α = 0.05).
Season | Winter sleep | Den exit and reproduction | Forest fruits |
Den exit and reproduction | W = -6.51, p < 0.001 | – | – |
Forest fruits | W = -8.35, p < 0.001 | W = -1.61, p = 0.32 | – |
Hyperphagia | W = -7.64, p < 0.001 | W = -0.53, p = 1.00 | W = 1.28, p = 0.66 |
Comparison of seasonal altitude of brown bears GPS fixes in Eastern Romanian Carpathians and Subcarpathians (Dunn test with Bonferroni adjustment, α = 0.05).
Season | Winter sleep | Den exit and reproduction | Forest fruits |
Den exit and reproduction | W = 0.51, p = 1.00 | – | – |
Forest fruits | W = -1.61, p = 0.32 | W = -2.17, p = 0.09 | – |
Hyperphagia | W = 11.40, p < 0.001 | W = 11.39, p < 0.001 | W = 13.99, p = < 0.001 |
Our analysis of brown bear movement and space use from GPS telemetry data showed that previous predictions on bear movement ecology and home range sizes from the Romanian Carpathians (e.g.,
The number of core areas identified for each bear varied between 1 to 4, while the median area of activity centres (KDE50) was estimated at under 40 km2, demonstrating that bears may intensively use several areas during a year and such areas can be larger than a GMU. The median number of 8 GMUs overlapping with individual home ranges (MCP95% home ranges) and 3 GMUs overlapping with home range core areas (KDE50 core areas), suggest that the size of GMUs in our study area (mean = 126.97 km2) might not be suitable for planning bear management and especially as a population census base unit, as done presently. Thus, GMUs as sampling units might be a biased approach that can lead to poor management decisions at the population level, such as overharvesting (
This study presents the first extensive assessment of space use and movements for brown bears in the Romanian Carpathians. Our results show larger home range size in Romania compared to bears in Bulgaria (MCP100% and Kernel 99% isopleth for home ranges and Kernel 50% isopleth for core areas,
Seasonally, Hyperphagia resulted in increased home ranges and daily movements in all individuals. During the Hyperphagia season, we recorded the lowest altitude for an adult female and a highest variability of altitude between individuals, showing a tendency to seek out food resources in different types of habitats varying along an altitudinal gradient (
As the main limitation of the study was related to the small numbers of bear females (4) and subadults (5), some of our results should therefore be interpreted with caution (
In summary, our study, using GPS telemetry, highlights the complex spatial ecology of the brown bear in the Carpathians, with home range sizes larger than those estimated in other European brown bear populations and daily movements that vary by season and within a broad altitude range. Human disturbance caused by traditional activities such as logging, hunting, agriculture, could not be considered when describing the movements, but it represents a key factor influencing brown bear movement and habitat selection (
The research was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research (, PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0568. We thank our colleagues from ACDB, Vrancea, Covasna and Harghita EPAs, WWF Romania, Buzau County Council and to game wardens for the efforts made during the trapping and monitoring activities. The bears were fitted with GPS collars within the projects: LIFE08 NAT/RO/000500 LIFEURSUS, Protecting and promoting the biodiversity in the ROSCI0190 Penteleu and ROSCI0229 Siriu and Open Borders for Bears between Romanian and Ukrainian Carpathians. We thank Diana Zlatanova, Gabriel Chisamera and an anonymous reviewer for their valuable comments and suggestions on the manuscript.