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Corresponding author: Guy Pe'er ( ) Academic editor: Yrjö Haila
© 2014 Guy Pe'er, Jean-Baptiste Mihoub, Claudia Dislich, Yiannis Matsinos.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Peer G, Mihoub J, Dislich C, Matsinos Y (2014) Towards a different attitude to uncertainty. Nature Conservation 8: 95-114.
The ecological literature deals with uncertainty primarily from the perspective of how to reduce it to acceptable levels. However, the current rapid and ubiquitous environmental changes, as well as anticipated rates of change, pose novel conditions and complex dynamics due to which many sources of uncertainty are difficult or even impossible to reduce. These include both uncertainty in knowledge (epistemic uncertainty) and societal responses to it. Under these conditions, an increasing number of studies ask how one can deal with uncertainty as it is. Here, we explore the question how to adopt an overall alternative attitude to uncertainty, which accepts or even embraces it. First, we show that seeking to reduce uncertainty may be counterproductive under some circumstances. It may yield overconfidence, ignoring early warning signs, policy- and societal stagnation, or irresponsible behaviour if personal certainty is offered by externalization of environmental costs. We then demonstrate that uncertainty can have positive impacts by driving improvements in knowledge, promoting cautious action, contributing to keeping societies flexible and adaptable, enhancing awareness, support and involvement of the public in nature conservation, and enhancing cooperation and communication. We discuss the risks of employing a certainty paradigm on uncertain knowledge, the potential benefits of adopting an alternative attitude to uncertainty, and the need to implement such an attitude across scales – from adaptive management at the local scale, to the evolving Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) at the global level.
Biodiversity conservation, communication, externalization, adaptive management, risk management, policy inaction, science-policy dialogue, IPBES
The rapid growth in human population, combined with a steep increase in resource- and energy-demands, exert unprecedented pressures on Earth’s natural resources (
The topic of uncertainty in biodiversity research and conservation practice has traditionally focused on the realms of knowledge, also referred to as epistemic uncertainty (
It is important to realize that all dimensions of uncertainty strongly interact: subjective judgements surrounding the knowledge sphere are shaped by uncertainty levels belonging to cognitive processes (i.e. pre-conceptual (data), conceptual (proxy) or symbolic levels (concepts) (
Traditional approaches focusing mostly on reducing (epistemic) uncertainty, e.g. through narrowing it within frequencies and quantity intervals or gathering further evidence, are likely to be insufficient (
A main problem with uncertainty may be the exaggerated pursuit of certainty. Seeking certainty can pervade knowledge gathering and use, potentially leading to overconfidence, ignoring the uncertain, stagnation or inaction while awaiting stronger evidence and irresponsible behaviours originating from the seeming certainty offered by externalizing the environmental consequences of our actions. In the following, we elaborate on each of these circumstances.
Overconfidence can be defined as using incomplete knowledge as if it was absolute truth. To exemplify how overconfidence relates to uncertainty, we focus on the use of simplified metrics (e.g. threshold values) for ensuring species’ viability under anthropogenic pressure, or maintaining the sustainability of utilized natural resources. Identifying such thresholds is achived through a long cognitive process of simplification, including the use of models. For instance, Population Viability Analyses (PVAs) are commonly used to identify critical thresholds below which populations would collapse. PVAs employ models ranging from simple mathematical or statistical formulations, to complex, parameter-rich, individual-based models. Model outputs are then aggregated to deliver understandable and digestible (but decisive) information for decision makers, while often evicting the communication of model details, assumptions, limitations, and associated uncertainties. Policy-makers may continue the chain of simplification, e.g. by utilizing even simpler measures as elaborated below.
A first example is the concept of Minimum Viable Population size (MVP) under which populations are assumed to be non-viable. Factors affecting this value for a given species include taxonomy, life history or environmental conditions (
The third example is the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY), which defines the largest yield (or catch) that can be removed from a stock over an indefinite period without causing a population or species’ collapse (
These examples illustrate widely used practices in biodiversity management, where trying to reduce uncertainty can generate overconfidence or misguidance. Simple and clear metrics might ease communication between scientists and decision-makers, but can lure judgement if inadequately designed or lacking sufficient information on wildlife populations (
Seeking certainty at all costs can hinder knowledge seeking and distort its interpretation, thereby slowing down the learning process. It remains an implicit goal of scientific research to obtain ‘perfect knowledge’ of Earth’s systems. To reach this goal, scientists simplify, transform, and aggregate evidence to identify and understand patterns and their underlying processes. Yet in the quest for understanding general patterns, the importance of outliers is often underestimated (
Disregarding the unexpected can lead to ‘black swan’ situations where events that were considered highly improbable and irrelevant turn out to be both real and incurring significant impacts (
Seeking complete certainty may delay action until strong(er) evidence can be obtained. In the meantime, however, habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation, as well as climate change, continue unabated. A prominent example of societal demand for greater certainty, accompanied by inaction, is represented by the debate over climate change, and the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Discussions over the last decades revolve primarily around two core questions: whether climate change is occurring (including speed and severity), and whether it is caused, or significantly facilitated, by anthropogenic factors such as greenhouse gas emissions (
While biodiversity is affected by various forms of policy inaction in the climate change context (
A third example of how the quest for certainty can lead to stagnation is the “cautionary silence”, where experts may avoid engaging in a science-policy dialogue out of the fear of making seemingly-uninformed statements (
Environmental externalities occur when an action produces environmental costs or benefits to a third party that was not involved in the action. Externalities can be spatial, affecting different locations or acting at a larger spatial scale; or temporal, i.e., acting at a different point in time and affecting, for instance, future generations. Prominent examples for negative externalities include air, water or soil pollution, which put a range of costs on humans and the environment, usually at larger scale than the actions of single individuals; or externalization of environmental costs to poorer societies (
In today’s globalized world, where international trade chains often put large distances between production areas and consumers, environmental externalities often occur across continents (
A local scale example in which personal security can lead to unsustainable behaviour is risk avoidance offered by insurance. In dryland pastoral systems, where environmental uncertainty is an inherent property of the ecosystem, farmers historically developed approaches such as mobility, reliance on social networks for building up herds after catastrophic events, and setting aside open grasslands as grazing reserves for emergency times (
These examples demonstrate that, across scales, seeming certainty offered by externalizing environmental costs may promote irresponsibility or unsustainable practices – thus laying the foundations of the tragedy of the commons (
In the following sections we offer illustrative examples of circumstances where uncertainty, or the attitude to it, can yield positive outcomes: driving improvements in knowledge, promoting cautious actions, enhancing a more flexible and adaptive societal behaviour, raising public awareness and engagement in nature conservation, enhancing cooperation, and promoting communication.
Research is driven by the quest for improved understanding and certainty in knowledge. Yet one could also assert that science and scientists thrive on uncertainty: open questions make the world interesting and exciting, and motivate our quest for knowledge. Uncertainty not only guides the starting point of learning processes, but is also a key element at the closing of learning iterations. Descartes’ “philosophy of the doubt”, upon which science still greatly relies, does not build on removing uncertainty but rather on clearly identifying it en-route to so-called “perfect knowledge” (
Uninformed decisions taken by policy-makers and decision-makers could result in long-term risks to humans, the environment, or both. Insufficient scientific evidence could, in such cases, promote cautious and responsible actions if a precautionary approach is taken (see also
Social acceptance of unknowns may allow societies to stay attentive to early warning signs, and maintain sufficient conceptual and practical flexibility for an effective response. It may reduce the risks of disregarding “black swans”, as societies may be better prepared to accept that the unexpected is likely to occur in a period of unforeseen, rapid changes. It may further allow quick adoption of alternative reaction paradigms, should current ones fail (
Uncertainty can be used to call for conservation actions, with direct benefits for species as well as promoting public awareness and engagement. Particularly, risks of species’ extinction often confront scientists and practitioners with a conflict known as “Noah’s Arch dilemma”: which species should we save first? (
The relation of such successes to uncertainty can be viewed in two ways. First, on the choice between uncertain chances to save a species versus high risk of extinction if no action is taken, the choice for uncertainty is a choice for hope. Secondly, the natural uncertainty around such emergency actions, and the ambition behind them, help raising public attention, awareness and engagement, and attracts important funding to nature conservation. Hence, uncertainty can be an important driver of action in situations where inaction could lead to irreversible, undesired losses.
Uncertainty can enhance, or even drive, cooperation among animals and humans alike. Theories on the evolution of sociality have long suggested that resource scarcity or unpredictability, or enhanced risks for individuals, can be key drivers toward cooperation (
In the scientific world, explicit consideration of limitations promotes credibility when communicating knowledge. In the same way that a scientific paper gains credibility by explicitly discussing its limitations, scientists communicating their knowledge to the public are anticipated to exhibit honesty with respect to uncertainty. This is well exemplified through the “ClimateGate” event: internal discussions over uncertainty, which were not communicated transparently, have eased the case for those seeking to distrust the work of the IPCC (
Using some illustrative examples, we have shown that seeking to reduce uncertainty by all means can produce a range of adverse outcomes, including oversimplification and overconfidence, or policy stagnation due to awaiting greater certainty. On the other hand, accepting and embracing uncertainty can have positive impacts such as favouring cautionary actions, flexible solutions, greater cooperation and transparent communication.
As our focus is biodiversity conservation, many examples focus on conflicts between humans and nature, and involve uncertainties originating from the complexity of integrating the interests of multiple actors. While predictive ecology continues to evolve towards better understanding of such dynamic processes (
A range of novel approaches can now integrate multiple sources of uncertainty, offering promising frameworks to aid policy-makers and practitioners in defining effective strategies and solutions under uncertainty. These include decision theory and scenario-planning (reviewed by
Notwithstanding, biodiversity research still focuses primarily on reducing Type 1 errors: failing to reject a wrong hypothesis (
The need for a new attitude to uncertainty can be demonstrated across scales, from local to global. Locally, adaptive management is already mentioned by thousands of ecological studies, yet surprisingly few really adopt this principle, and even fewer can show documented successes (
At larger scales, the precautionary principle has only rarely been successfully applied in biodiversity conservation, partly due to the lack of sufficient guidance to move from awareness to implementation (
Global efforts to understand and address the biodiversity crisis, especially through the evolving Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), need to tackle key questions on how to scale up ecological processes, pressures and solutions from local to global. Scaling up, however, entails propagation of uncertainty. Standing issues include the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem services (
Developing an alternative attitude to uncertainty could start among scientists, acknowledging and communicating that the field of biodiversity research largely lies in the realms of uncertainty and therefore the demand for high confidence cannot always be fulfilled. Yet the fix of environmental decision-making on confidence intervals and significance levels, cannot be broken by scientists alone: it requires that stakeholders learn to accept a diversity of knowledge and non-knowledge inputs into the science-policy and science-society dialogue. In the process, the nature of the dialogue itself may change.
While the main goal of this paper is to promote a broader range of attitudes to uncertainty, we do not wish to suggest that uncertainty should be always perceived as positive or welcome. There are numerous cases where uncertainty is clearly undesired, both in terms of associated risks and negative societal responses to it. A particular reason for caution should be given to circumstances where stakeholders or parties benefit from uncertainty or use it to achieve own goals. While in biodiversity conservation research we are only starting to understand the different aspects of uncertainty, other fields, e.g. economics, politics, or insurance, have gained far more experience in this area. Thus, how we deal with (and communicate) uncertainty may need caution depending on circumstances and parties involved. However, there are plenty of opportunities for learning.
This paper focused on subjectively-collected examples to bring about a specific opinion. While we did not attempt to offer a comprehensive coverage of such cases, we recognize a need for an extended review. Elements of such a review would include mapping circumstances in which certainty, versus uncertainty, may promote or impede effective management of natural resources. A meta-analysis or quantification of the impacts could thus direct a better “choice of attitude” towards different forms of uncertainty.
To make these alternative attitudes operational in biodiversity conservation, it could also be desirable to examine attitudes toward uncertainty within legislative or judiciary frameworks in different parts of the world. For instance, it is worthy to explore differences between the European Union and the United States of America in terms of evidence-provision in court (i.e. respectively inquisitorial vs adversarial (
Finally, we call for stronger trans-disciplinary research on the feedbacks between societal and scientific components in decision-making – e.g. in terms of “cost effective” or “best” conservation efforts given societal perception of “success”. While we did not explore in depth any economic criteria for decision-making, one should acknowledge that it is primarily in economy that multi-dimensional approaches are adopted to address multiple sources of uncertainty. These are already increasingly adopted in ecological decisions in consideration of the societal sphere (
The authors wish to thank Klaus Henle, Yrjö Haila and Birgit Müller for useful comments, tips and ideas. GP and YGM acknowledge support from FP7 project SCALES (contract 226852), JBM and GP acknowledge project EU BON (contract 308454), and CD acknowledges financial support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the framework of the collaborative German-Indonesian project EFFORTS (CRC990).