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Corresponding author: David Schindel ( ) Academic editor: Klaus Henle
© 2015 David Schindel, Tania Bubela, Joshua Rosenthal, David Castle, Pierre du Plessis, Robert Bye, PMCW.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Schindel DE, Bubela T, Rosenthal J, Castle D, du Plessis P, Bye R, PMCW (2015) The New Age of the Nagoya Protocol. Nature Conservation 12: 43-56.
The entry into force of the Nagoya Protocol of the Convention on Biological Diversity will lead to new legislation and regulations that could change international collaborative research in biology. This article suggests a new approach that researchers can use in negotiating international Access and Benefit Sharing agreements under the Protocol. Research on medicinal plants is used as a case study because it is a domain with many competing stakeholders involving non-commercial and commercial research, as well as national and international commercial markets. We propose a decision-based framework to aid all participants as they negotiate ABS agreements for non-commercial biodiversity research. Our proposed approach promotes transparency and builds trust, reflects the principles in the Convention on Biological Diversity, and respects and protects the interests of biodiversity rich developing countries. This approach is an alternative to often-used adversarial approaches.
Nagoya Protocol, Access and Benefit Sharing, DNA barcoding, medicinal plants, Convention on Biological Diversity, international agreements
The Nagoya Protocol (full name: The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity;
Prior to the Convention on Biological Diversity’s (CBD) entry into force in December 1993, biological samples flowed across most international borders with relative ease. Regulations focused on customs control for taxation purposes and to prevent the import of pests, pathogens and protected endangered species. The motivation for international transport of scientific samples varied widely. Some transfers were part of biological exploration for taxonomic and ecological studies and for education and public display, predominantly in developed country institutions. Some were part of academic biodiscovery projects on biological systems, including human diseases. The end-products were scholarly publications, museum exhibits, some capacity-building and training, and expanded awareness of and appreciation for biodiversity. Others were driven by the desire to develop commercial markets for cash crops, foods, medicines, textiles, and the broad range of products that could be derived from living organisms. Some began as the former and developed into the latter, either by conscious design or through serendipitous discoveries of the economic value of particular species. Researchers in industrialized countries reflect back on those open borders as a golden age of research and development. Memories of this early period are markedly different in many biodiversity-rich countries whose species were exported and created wealth for others with little, if any, return. The term “biopiracy” is often used to summarize this view.
Rather than considering biodiversity as the common heritage of humankind, the CBD affirmed Sovereign States’ control over the utilization of their genetic resources. The CBD established three objectives: (1) the conservation of biological diversity; (2) the sustainable use of its components; and (3) the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources. In September 2002, Parties to CBD called for the establishment of an “International Regime” that would achieve the third objective, setting in motion eight years of negotiations that culminated in approval of the Nagoya Protocol. Under the Nagoya Protocol, obligations to share benefits are triggered by the utilization of genetic resources and are based on a requirement for potential users to seek Prior Informed Consent (PIC) and negotiate Mutually Agreed Terms (MAT) with governments and local indigenous peoples that hold traditional knowledge associated with the genetic resources.
Some countries enacted laws during the negotiation process to protect their genetic resources by requiring PIC and MAT. Such laws, empowered by the CBD and now clarified by the Nagoya Protocol, could create a level playing field for joint activities with mutual benefits between industrialized and developing countries. However, many of these laws have gone beyond international regulation to also cover domestic access. New barriers in some countries limit access by in-country researchers to genetic resources, especially in areas inhabited by local communities or indigenous peoples (
The likely entry into force of the Nagoya Protocol stimulated several efforts to facilitate the process of drafting ABS agreements. For example, the Swiss Academy of Sciences provided a useful ABS management tool with best practices (
Non-commercial biodiversity research (sometimes termed ‘basic’), both domestic and international, is becoming a casualty in the struggle over potential monetary benefits from commercialization of genetic resources and derivative products (
To assist in the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol at the moment of its launch, we propose a framework to assist in the negotiation of ABS agreements for non-commercial research. It includes a mechanism to separate non-commercial from commercial projects, or, alternatively, to anticipate potential changes of utilization of genetic resources from non-commercial to commercial research.
We convened an international, multi-stakeholder workshop in Mexico City in 2013 to advance the debate on access to genetic resources and the sharing of benefits as they may relate to an emerging taxonomic tool called DNA barcoding. Representatives from academic, government and non-governmental organizations from 11 countries in the Americas, Europe and Africa participated (see Workshop Participants). Our focus was the design of a negotiating framework for ABS agreements that would enable construction of a species registry for medicinal plants based on “DNA barcodes”. DNA barcoding has been used primarily by taxonomists and ecologists for non-commercial research leading to academic publications. However, the barcoding process raises many of the concerns that led to creation of the Nagoya Protocol: expatriation of biological samples, DNA sequencing, the public release of sequence and other data with potential monetary value, risks of unapproved changes in utilization of genetic resources from academic to commercial, and lack of benefits shared with provider countries.
We selected medicinal plants as the focus because of the diversity of both commercial and non-commercial stakeholders interested in medicinal plants and the global commercial potential of natural health products (NHPs) derived from these species. Because barcoding can unquestionably “utilize” genetic resources for both non-commercial research and commercial activities, ABS agreements that meet the interests of divergent stakeholders will be essential in the development of a registry, especially if plant samples need to cross international borders.
DNA barcodes are short gene sequences taken from a standardized portion of the genome that can be used to identify biological samples to the species level. The gene regions used for animals, plants and fungi were chosen because they evolve fast enough to separate closely related species but slowly enough that the members of any species are identical or nearly identical (
Since barcoding was proposed, a global network of researchers (primarily taxonomists and ecologists) has submitted more than 400,000 standardized high-quality BARCODE records to GenBank. The Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL) created a Database Working Group that developed the BARCODE data standard after a year of community consultation (Hanner and the
DNA barcoding has already been put to use for similar regulatory applications. The US Food and Drug Administration has tested and adopted DNA barcoding as a tool for regulating seafood in the marketplace (
An objective, reliable registration and identification system for medicinal plants would enable research on their basic biology, ecology and evolution in ways that would support species conservation programs. Provider country partners in the construction of the registry could benefit from training, capacity-building activities, co-authorship and participation in related research networks. The registry could also provide an arena in which a globally sustainable NHP industry can develop and be regulated. The barcode registry could: (1) open markets for wild crafters and local communities by assuring purchasers that their plants belong to the medicinal plant species that have been tested by regulators and approved for trade; (2) assist the NHP industry in establishing measures of quality assurance tied to each species; (3) assist public health agencies in verifying the species they are testing for clinical efficacy; (4) assist regulatory agencies in confirming the accuracy of product labeling; (5) provide customs and trade authorities with tools to monitor cross-border trade; and (6) enhance consumer confidence in the authenticity of the natural health products they purchase. Indeed, the registry would provide all stakeholders with an objective, transparent taxonomic vocabulary for discussing access to genetic resources, monitoring the resulting flow of medicinal plant materials, and enabling informed discussion of benefits generated by each species. Over time, the DNA barcode registry of medicinal plants would grow through the work of globally-distributed taxonomists and conservation biologists and would complement the content and impact of pharmacopeia.
We see three main challenges along the way to attaining these longer-term benefits. First, all stakeholders in provider countries will want assurances that an approved non-commercial research process of creating the registry will not lead to unapproved commercial use of their genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge, whether by domestic or foreign researchers. The fear of unapproved use is greatest for expatriated samples. Second, all stakeholders in both provider and receiver countries will need to stipulate all non-commercial research activities enabled by the agreement and the benefits they can expect to receive from such activities. The Nagoya Protocol articulates an expansive view of benefits which include collaborative research, access to technology, training and other forms of capacity building.
The final challenge in defining reasonable expectations is the delineation of non-commercial versus commercial research (
Since DNA barcoding is currently beyond the technical capabilities of many developing countries, the construction of a reference library will often require international collaboration. Plant material may need to cross national boundaries to reach secure biorepositories and molecular biology labs capable of DNA barcoding. Even if a provider country has a secure repository, participants may decide that there is value in having duplicate specimens in another repository for reasons of security. In addition, providers would have to give permission to sequence the very short DNA barcode regions and agree to release the sequences into a publicly accessible reference library. Each of these conditions could conceivably raise concerns related to “biopiracy”. How then could an ABS agreement be negotiated for the relatively straightforward task of characterizing and registering species, while protecting the commercial potential of medicinal plants and the higher-stakes that would be involved in ABS agreements to follow?
To facilitate the process of negotiating and drafting ABS agreements, especially for non-commercial uses of genetic resources, we propose a decision-based framework. The framework guides representatives of provider and user countries through a series of decisions related to real or perceived risks and suggests choices (see examples, Box
We are in the process of developing a software tool that will enable researchers and provider countries to use the decision-based approach we propose here. The tool will use an interview format to guide potential partners, separately and then together, through the identification and resolution of their interests and concerns. This will then enable them to develop specific agreements with the aid of legal counsel, using terms that are compliant with local laws and conditions.
In conclusion, our framework takes a pragmatic and adaptable approach to the negotiation and development of ABS agreements that are specific to non-commercial research. Our framework will reduce the power imbalances in the negotiation of research agreements between institutions in the Global South and Global North and will aid in building ongoing relationships reliant on trust and good faith. In the process, it will develop the necessary capacity in ABS negotiations and will help to overcome the history of mistrust and exploitation in the use of genetic resources. More specifically, the proposed approach will facilitate the success of barcoding initiatives such as the construction of a registry for medicinal plants. Initiatives such as this will support conservation efforts and will serve the interests of stakeholders in biodiversity rich regions.
Funding: Funding agencies and participating projects provided all support for the workshop, including the cost of flights and accommodations. Primary funding support was provided by: Genome Canada through the International Barcode of Life project (iBOL) and PhytoMetaSyn Projects, International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Innogen, and the Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The views expressed in this paper do not reflect the views of funders.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Workshop Participants: This paper is the result of an international, interdisciplinary, multi-sectoral workshop entitled ‘‘Medicinal plant barcoding and natural health products research: moving the debate forward on access and benefit sharing” (Mexico City, February 12-13, 2013) and follow-on consultations with key stakeholders. We would like to thank all the participants for their thoughtful input: Berhanu Abegaz (African Academy of Sciences, Nairobi, Kenya), Francisca Acesedo Gasman (Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO), Mexico City, Mexico), Gabriel Ameka (Department of Botany, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana), Edson Beas Rodrigues Jr. (Lawyer, San Paulo, Brazil), Kathryn Davis (ABS Advisor, Botanic Gardens Conservation International, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada), Edna Einsiedel (University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada), Janis Geary (School of Public Health, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada), Jenilee Guebert (School of Public Health, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada), Gregory Hagen (Faculty of Law, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada), Paul Hebert (Biodiversity Institute of Ontario, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada), Peter Hollingsworth (Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, U.K.), Elleli Huerta Ocampo (Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO), Mexico City, Mexico), Gerardo Jimenez-Sanchez (Global Biotech Consulting Group, Department of Epidemiology, Harvard University, Boston, MA, U.S.A), W. John Kress (Department of Botany, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., U.S.A.) Edelmira Linares Mazari (Instituto de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, México City, Mexico), Damon Little (The Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Program for Molecular Systematics, The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY, U.S.A), Santiago March, Niamh Redmond (Department of Botany, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., U.S.A.), Virginia León Regagnon (Instituto de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, México City, Mexico), Manuel Ruiz Muller (International Affairs and Biodiversity Program, Peruvian Society for Environmental Law (SPDA), Lima, Peru, Jacob Shelley (Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada), and Michelle Van der Bank (Department of Botany and Plant Biotechnology, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa).
We would also like to thank Jenilee Guebert and Janis Geary (University of Alberta) for additional editing and research support.
Negotiation of fees by either party beyond cost-recovery for access to data, technology, or materials resulting from the research;
Retention of monetary benefits from sale or lease for profit, patenting, or licensing of research results;
Transfer of material to commercial third parties;
The filing of a disclosure of invention with an institutional technology transfer office;
The filing of a patents or other Intellectual Property Right (IPR);
Intent to investigate commercial applications, contract with a commercial body or entity, or conduct market research;
Product development or testing of technology or products as part of a wider undisclosed project; or
Other forms of contractual restrictions on the dissemination and subsequent use of the results.
Restrictions on the release of research findings (e.g., non-disclosure agreements or unwillingness to publish results) if agreement terms are observed;
Limitations placed on the involvement of provider country researchers in a project as collaborators and co-authors;
Publication of results without providing pre-publication access to results by designated institutions in the provider country;
Delays in the public release of data resulting from the research
The following excerpts from a larger treatment (in development) demonstrate how a decision-based approach can be used to negotiate terms of an ABS agreement in the area of international transfer of genetic resources. Decisions shown in brackets arise from higher-level decisions in a multi-level decision tree.
Does the provider country have repositories in which voucher specimens can be archived securely and accessed by researchers?
Yes {What in-country access will the users have to voucher specimens? Can some of the vouchers or subsamples be expatriated?}
No, but the provider country is seeking help in developing one {What specific support and capacity-building is sought?}
No {Proceed to next decision}
Can voucher specimens be expatriated?
Yes {What access will the provider country have to their voucher specimens?}
Yes, but only if duplicate specimens and/or subsamples remain in-country {What exchange of information will take place to synchronize the data associated with samples from the same voucher?}
Yes, but with monitoring and safeguards against unapproved use {What specific conditions would be acceptable?}
No {How will secure long-term storage and access by the user country be assured?}
Where will tissue samples be analyzed?
In a provider country lab {How can in-country lab capabilities be assured? Is additional training needed? What access to analytical results will user countries have?}
In a provider country lab following capacity-building and training {What training and capacity-building is sought?}
In a user country lab with monitoring and safeguards against any use other than barcoding {What specific conditions would be acceptable?}
Each topic area will link to multiple options for consideration and discussion by the intended non-commercial research partners.
Identify the Parties to the Agreement (generally at the institutional level)
Identify those with interests in the Agreement, including researchers and indigenous/local communities.
Which national ABS laws, regulations or ethics/permitting requirements apply, if any?
Which agencies/departments administer (3)?
Are there requirements for Prior Informed Consent (depends on answers to 2-3)?
What is the general relationship between providers and users concerning international transfer of material (see examples, 2)?
What are the overall scientific or other goals of the project, for example:
Bio-conservation Goals;
Taxonomic Goals;
Regulatory Goals.
What are the methodological and sampling details, for example:
Taxonomic groups and number of species;
Geographic area, habitats, numbers of collecting sites;
Methods for collection, preservation, etc.
Anticipated outputs, outcomes, and impacts, for example:
Curated collections of whole specimens;
Preserved tissue samples;
Publicly released data;
Policy and other impacts.
Benefits to providers, for example:
New knowledge;
Collaborative research in local priority topics;
Training and capacity development;
Roles and Responsibilities of the Parties, for example
Responsibilities for licensing, funding, sample collection, shipping, handling of materials and data, sequencing, storage;
Responsibility for destruction of samples and/or data;
Constraints on replication or transfer of materials.
Declaration of non-commercial intent with identification of terms that trigger a change in purpose (See Box
Standard legal terms, for example, termination, liability, warranty, jurisdiction.