Research Article |
Corresponding author: Douglas William Cirino ( ) Academic editor: Cristian-Remus Papp
© 2022 Douglas William Cirino, Artur Lupinetti-Cunha, Carlos Henrique Freitas, Simone Rodrigues de Freitas.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Cirino DW, Lupinetti-Cunha A, Freitas CH, de Freitas SR (2022) Do the roadkills of different mammal species respond the same way to habitat and matrix? In: Santos S, Grilo C, Shilling F, Bhardwaj M, Papp CR (Eds) Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions. Nature Conservation 47: 65-85.
While road network expansion connects human settlements between themselves, it also leads to deforestation and land use changes, reducing the connectivity between natural habitat patches, and increasing roadkill risk. More than 30% of registered mammal roadkills in Brazil are concentrated in four species: Cerdocyon thous (crab-eating fox); Euphractus sexcinctus (six-banded armadillo); Tamandua tetradactyla (collared anteater) and Myrmecophaga tridactyla (giant anteater), the latter being categorized as vulnerable by IUCN redlist. Our aim was to understand how these animals’ roadkills could be related to the land use proportions on landscapes all over the Brazilian territory, and investigate if the roadkill patterns differ among species. We collected secondary data on mammal roadkills (N = 2698) from several studies in different regions of Brazil. Using MapBiomas’ data on land use and land cover, we extracted landscape composition around each roadkill sample. Through the proportion of land use and land cover in the area of influence where the roadkill occurred, we built binomial GLM models and selected the best ones by Akaike Information Criteria. For crab-eating fox and the six-banded armadillo, the best models include matrix coverage resulting in increased roadkill risk, while both anteaters’ species have a habitat and a matrix component in their best models, with an interaction between the variables. These four species seem to be roadkilled in different landscape arrangements, but in all scenarios, anthropic areas had an important influence over the models. For habitat-dependent and more sensible species, such as Tamandua tetradactyla and Myrmecophaga tridactyla, the amount of matrix influencing the roadkill risk depends on habitat availability in the landscape. It changes the strength and direction of the effect according to the proportion of natural areas in the region, while with generalist species such as Cerdocyon thous and Euphractus sexcinctus, the quantity of human-modified coverage increases the risk.
Conservation biology, environmental impact assessment, landscape ecology, road ecology, tropics
Road ecology is a research area that aims to understand the impact of highways and railways on natural ecosystems, economics, and society. Many studies on this subject focus on one of the most conspicuous effect of roads: wildlife mortality by vehicle collisions (
Changes in landscape composition and its structure are some of the main factors leading to biodiversity loss (
The majority of studies on road mortality focus on a small region, studying a road or a portion of it. Those studies are important to understand the local impacts of roads, and to search for patterns on specific landscape configuration. When we search for similar studies in Brazil, it is notable that some species are constantly found on roadkill registers (
The crab-eating-fox (Cerdocyon thous) is one of the most frequent species in roadkill registers according to the “Banco de Dados Brasileiro de Atropelamentos de Fauna Selvagem” – BAFS ( and other published researches (
The six-banded-armadillo (Euphractus sexcinctus) is also a frequent species on roadkill records (
Both anteater species (Tamandua tetradactyla and Myrmecophaga tridactyla) are more exigent in terms of habitat quality than the other two species studied in this research. They are less abundant, but also highly roadkilled. The giant-anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) is a terrestrial Xernarthra that can move long distances by ground, which can aggravate the roadkill rate of this species. On the other hand, its roadkill is associated with native vegetation proximity to roads in a Cerrado area (
Most road impacts mitigation measures focus on general recommendations, such as implementation of underpasses or fencing in roadkill hotspots, which usually comes in association with native or riparian vegetation, assuming that most animals would use those areas to move and cross the road. However, we cannot assume that all species have the same habitat requirements and patterns of space usage, since it is known that the rate of underpasses usage differs among species (
Understanding the landscape patterns linked to road mortality of those species can provide guidance for protection and conservation efforts aiming to mitigate the road impacts on wildlife. Together, these four species presented here represent between 34,7% and 38,8% of the total roadkills of medium-large sized mammals in Brazil (
We collected a sample of georeferenced roadkill data from two main sources: (1) monitoring studies across the country; and (2) the “Banco de Dados Brasileiro de Atropelamento de Fauna Selvagem” (BAFS). The first one consists of previously published systematic studies in roads of different regions of Brazil; such data was provided by collaborators (see Acknowledgements –
For land cover and land use, we utilized the serial time data from MapBiomas (
For each species, we considered a different influence buffer radius starting from the place of the roadkill, since each one has different home ranges, body sizes, and habits requirements. We estimated the mean home range for C. thous as 4.9 km2 (
If the area of a circle is given by:
where r is the radius of the circle, so the double of a radius of a circle of a given area is:
We used this radius size because the roadkill point may have occurred on the center of the home range, or on its border (Fig.
Scheme exemplifying the radius of roadkill influence chosen. For a given roadkill point using the simple radius of home range (r), we might exclude some of the landscape characteristics if the roadkill occurred in the border of the home range. Including the possible home ranges (approximated to a circular shape), and doubling the radius (φ), we ensure that all landscape composition associated with the roadkill occurrence is incorporated within the analysis.
For each presence or absence of roadkills we calculated the proportion of land use and land cover inside the buffer based on MapBiomas land cover map for the corresponding year of the roadkill. The classes of land use and land cover considered in the analysis were: (1) forest; (2) savanna; (3) natural open areas; (4) forestry; (5) agriculture; (6) pasture; (7) farming; and (8) water. Farming represents the sum of agriculture and pasture in addition to mosaics or rotation of both classes in the same area. We conduct all landscape analysis and data extraction on ArcGIS v10.3 environment.
To estimate the relative chance of roadkill of each species we constructed binomial generalized linear models (GLM), considering the matrix of presences and absences as our response variables, and the proportion of the eight landscape variables inside the radius of roadkill influence as our predictive variables. We built four groups of models, one for each species, with one or two predictive variables by model, combining variables in pairs, and considering the interaction between them. We discarded models with some degree of correlation (> 0.6 or < -0.6) between predictive variables (see Suppl. material
All models were ranked by Akaike Information Criteria (AIC) and selected by their corrected AIC value (AICc), with lower values of AICc representing the best models (
We collected a total of 2698 georeferenced roadkill records across the country (Cerdocyon thous (N = 1282); Euphractus sexcinctus (N = 589); Myrmecophaga tridactyla (N = 422) and Tamandua tetradactyla (N = 405)) (Fig.
For Cerdocyon thous and Tamandua tetradactyla only one model was selected as the best model by AIC criteria (ΔAICc ≤ 2 and evidence ≤ 2), while the remaining studied species had two equally plausible models. For Cerdocyon thous the best model shows a positive effect of agriculture and pasture proportion inside the buffer on the chance of roadkill: for each 10% of pasture cover in landscape the roadkill risk increases by 2.7%, while for agriculture it increases by 4.6%. (Table
Best model selected by AIC for C. thous and its estimated coefficients. A model with two variables responded better to C. thous roadkill risk, being pasture and agriculture positively related to roadkill risk.
Model selected by species according to Akaike criteria. dAICc represents the AIC distance; df represents degrees of freedom; weight represents how much the model explain de variables related to all other models; evidence is the highest weight model divided by the weight of the focal model. We just considered models with evidence lower or equal to two.
Species | Model | AICc | dAICc | df | Weight | Evidence |
Cerdocyon thous | Pasture + Agriculture | 3545.9 | 0.0 | 3 | 0.3080 | 1.00 |
Euphractus sexcinctus | Farming + Forestry | 1612.4 | 0.0 | 3 | 0.3772 | 1.00 |
Pasture + Agriculture | 1612.8 | 0.3 | 3 | 0.3173 | 1.19 | |
Myrmecophaga tridactyla | Forest + Pasture + Forest:Pasture | 1170.6 | 0.0 | 4 | 0.2057 | 1.00 |
Forest + Savanna + Forest:Savanna | 1171.5 | 0.9 | 4 | 0.1309 | 1.57 | |
Tamandua tetradactyla | Savanna + Agriculture + Savanna:Agriculture | 1111.4 | 0.0 | 4 | 0.8495 | 1.00 |
Cerdocyon thous – The roadkill of this species responds positively to two matrix land-uses, pasture, and agriculture in the landscape (Fig.
Besides giving information on the studied animal mortality, roadkill records are also useful for assessing a species occurrence. We found registers of C. thous roadkill occurrences out of its original geographical distribution (
Roadkill records of C. thous in Amazon ecosystem. Red dots represent roadkill records of C. thous and the hashed area is the original species’ range on Amazon. It is possible to notice some registers out of the crab-eating-fox’s range according IUCN (Lucherini, 2015), specifically in areas where forests (dark green areas) were converted into farming areas (yellow areas).
As a generalist species, Cerdocyon thous occurs, and is roadkilled in fragmented human-modified landscapes with agricultural and pasture uses. As reported for Chrysocyon brachyurus (Maned-wolf) in the Atlantic Forest (
Euphractus sexcinctus – Like C. thous, for this species two land use matrixes are included in the selected model, showing a positive relationship between farming and forestry with roadkill risk (Fig.
Best model selected by AIC for E. sexcinctus and its estimated coefficients. For the six-banded armadillo the best model represents forestry and farming positively related to roadkill risk, showing that the roadkill of this species is related to human modified landscapes.
This species inhabits a vast number of natural formations, but also human-modified landscapes, such as sugar cane plantations (
Myrmecophaga tridactyla – the best model to predict the relative risk of roadkill for this species matches with its behavior, including its relationship with pasture, forests and the interaction between these variables (Fig.
Best model selected by AIC for M. tridactyla and its estimated coefficients. The best model shows an interaction between forest and pasture, both variables positively related to roadkill risk, but the size and effect of direction changes according to the proportion of the other variable.
Depending on the amount of matrix in the landscape, the direction of the effect of habitat on roadkill risk changes. In other words, when there are small quantities of forest, the effect of pasture is positive to predict the roadkill, while when there is an increased proportion of forest in the region the effect changes, and the roadkill risk decreases with the increase of pasture areas. This could be related to the species’ habits: when the landscape is mostly composed of pastureland, the animals need to move more in search of shaded shelter. This movement decreases in frequency when there are some forested areas in the landscape, allowing the individuals to rest, and therefore, decreasing the chance of encountering a road and consequently being roadkilled. This shows the importance of maintaining habitat patches in the landscape, such as riparian forests or even native vegetation fragments inside private rural property, as established by the Brazilian Forest Code (
Tamandua tetradactyla – The roadkill risk of the collared-anteater is strongly related to savanna and agriculture patches, and its interaction (Fig.
Best model selected by AIC for T. tetradactyla and its estimated coefficients. The roadkill risk is negatively related to agriculture. However, the interaction between agriculture and savanna was significant, which changes the effect direction of agriculture in the presence of more savanna areas, increasing the risk of roadkill with the increment of agriculture, in other words, landscapes with savanna and agriculture mosaics are more likely to have collared-anteaters roadkills.
This habitat dependence reflects on the best model selected to predict the collared-anteater roadkill risk: the presence of savanna formations modulates the effect of agriculture. When a landscape has no natural formations cover, the effect of agriculture is negative, since the species probably do not occur in the area; and with the increment of habitat areas, the roadkill risk increases rapidly, reaching our model’s peak when we have at least 40% of savanna and 50% of agriculture.
On the other hand, the roadkill risk when the landscape is entirely comprised of savanna, without agriculture, is very low, and it increases very fast when there is an increase of agricultural coverage. As it is a forest dependent animal, it was unexpected that its roadkill response was better suited to savanna than to dense forests, but that can be explained by this animal’s movement pattern. In areas with continuous dense forests the locomotion of individuals occurs mainly through canopies, but in areas with low density of trees, as open areas, savannas and monocultures, it moves by ground. It can also move more often in search for sheltering trees, therefore increasing the chance of being roadkilled.
It is already known that many factors affect the roadkill risk of a species, such as species density and movement patterns (
For habitat dependent and more sensitive species like anteaters, the effect of the matrix on the roadkill risk depends on habitat availability in the landscape. It changes the strength and direction of the effect according to the proportion of natural areas in the region. As for generalist species, the quantity of human-modified land uses increases the roadkill risk regardless of the habitat availability or natural formations. It also indicates the occurrence of these species in those anthropic areas.
Therefore, the habitat and matrix composition impacts the studied species differently, depending on their demand and habitat dependence. Each species showed different prediction factors regarding their roadkill risk. Overall, all four target species had some dependency on the habitat, but two of them (Cerdocyon thous and Euphractus sexcinctus) are more tolerant to landscape cover changes, using some human-modified areas as habitat areas. However, the proportion and quality of natural areas should be determinant factors for Cerdocyon thous and Euphractus sexcinctus’ rate of movement, since it influences the chance of crossing a road and dying by roadkill. This movement ecology component needs to be addressed in further studies that relate the type and quality of habitat with species’ movement and roadkill rates. Currently, there is not much information regarding those common species with high roadkill rates, especially for C. thous, that can potentially cause great amounts of accidents and human injuries on Brazilian roads.
The habitat dependent species have more complex models predicting their roadkill risk, including an interaction component between habitat and matrix. It shows the importance of maintaining the natural coverage of rural properties that, as indicated by Brazilian Forest Code, can potentially decrease the risk of roadkill, connect habitat areas, and increase habitat quality. Given that, areas with vast cover of monoculture and pasture can both decrease the natural populations’ size and increase the movement of individuals that can be roadkilled while they are searching for best habitats on the landscape. Since we have shown that not only riparian corridors or continuous habitats are associated with roadkill, but also areas out of protected areas we suggest that more studies investigating the effect of movement in roadkill should be performed. We also highlight the need to consider the landscape as a whole while assessing species protection.
We thank FAPESP for the financial support (Process n° 16/12785-0) through DWC research grant, NERF/UFRGS (“Núcleo de Ecologia de Ferrovias e Rodovias” – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul) and others involved in field data collection, such as Andreas Kindel, Arnaud Desbiez, Janaina Casella and Sidnei Dornelles. We also thank Fernanda Delborgo Abra and ViaFauna for providing the illustrations in this article and contributions to data interpretation; and Guillermo Flórez for statistical contributions. We also thank the MapBiomas initiative, for the land use and land cover mapping and a reward attributed to a preliminary version of this study (CIRINO, 2018).
Correlation plot and R script for building and selecting best models
Data type: R script (text file)
Explanation note: Plot of correlations between predictor variables. The script used for reading variables, building statistical models and selecting the best model by Akaike Information Criteria.