Chonnam National University Gwangju, South Korea
Taxa: Amphibia; Reptilia Subject: Conservation genetics; Ecological informatics Regions: Asia
PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Subject: Population ecology; Conservation genetics; Cartography, Remote Sensing and GIS; Species distribution modelling Regions: Asia
Universität Regensburg Regensburg, Germany
Taxa: Plantae Subject: Genetics
Technische Universität Dresden Zittau, Germany
Subject: Economics, Business and Industry; Biodiversity assessment and evaluation; Conservation Biology; Socio-economy & Sustainable development; Environmental Politics & Policy; Ecosystem Services Regions: Europe
National Institute of Oceanography Haifa, Israel
Subject: Restoration ecology; Marine & Freshwater ecology
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia Manaus, Brazil
Taxa: Vertebrata Subject: Terrestrial
University of Belgrade Belgrade, Serbia
Taxa: Bryata Subject: Systematics; Taxonomy; Biodiversity & Conservation
University of Bayreuth Bayreuth, Germany
Subject: Climate change; Biogeography Regions: Sub-Saharan Africa
(retired) CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems Weetangera, Australia
Subject: Ecological informatics; Ecology & Environmental sciences; Socio-economy & Sustainable development
Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology Nanjing, China
Taxa: Plantae Subject: Ethnobotany; Biological Invasions; Climate change; Crop Science
Central University of Himachal Pradesh Dharamshala, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India
Taxa: Pisces Subject: Freshwater and Marine Resources; Freshwater; Floodplain; Monitoring; Environmental pollution Regions: Asia
Instituto Federal Goiano Urutaí, Brazil
Taxa: Insecta; Hymenoptera Subject: Macroecology; Landscape ecology
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