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Nature Conservation 57 (2024)
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Connecting people, connecting landscapes
Cristian-Remus Papp, Andreas Seiler, Manisha Bhardwaj, Denis François and Ivo Dostál

The transport sector (including infrastructure and energy networks) is driven and influenced by a multitude of factors and has a complex and often cascading impact on biodiversity and natural environment in general. While important progress has been made to understand and to mitigate it in the last decades, a lot more is needed for properly addressing this impact at landscape level. In other words, although a broad range of solutions and tools have been developed to tackle impacts ranging from vehicle-wildlife collisions to landscape barriers, the results are not yet satisfactory overall. A strengthened cooperation between stakeholders and specialists from different sectors, as well as the support of the general public is needed for developing functional and sustainable solutions.

The IENE 2022 International Conference organized in a hybrid format (in Cluj-Napoca, Romania and on zoom in September 2022) aimed to foster an integrated approach for mainstreaming biodiversity into transport sector (including infrastructure and energy networks), by exploring e.g., practical experiences, challenges and opportunities related to transport ecology and integrated solutions for ecological connectivity.

The special issue will comprise of research papers developed by experts in the field of transportation ecology and ecological connectivity, based on the presentations from the IENE 2022 International Conference, covering topics such as:

  • The state of play after 20+ years of transport ecology
  • Strategic needs, challenges and opportunities for the future of biodiversity and transport harmonization
  • What works and what doesn't for harmonising transport and biodiversitty.
  • Applied research and studies in the field of transport ecology.
  • Safeguarding connectivity at landscape level
  • Transdisciplinary approaches to landscape connectivity – challenges and solutions for cooperation between relevant sectors.

Keywords: ecological connectivity, ecological impact assessment, ecological modelling, green infrastructure, landscape connectivity, linear transport infrastructure, marginal and linear habitats, mitigation measures, stakeholder engagement, wildlife collisions, wildlife monitoring.

Submission deadline: 30 June 2023.

Estimated date for publication of the SI: 31 March 2024.

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