Pensoft to attend the 5th ESP Europe conference in Wageningen

25 September 2024


Pensoft Publishers will participate in the 5th Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) Europe Conference, taking place from November 18-22 in Wageningen, The Netherlands.

The event, themed "Ecosystem Services: One Planet, One Health," will explore how the concept of ecosystem services can address the interconnected challenges of human, animal, plant, and environmental health.

The ESP, a global network that unites ecosystem services researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, has been organising international conferences since 2008.

Pensoft will have a dedicated booth at the event featuring information on the open-access journals One Ecosystem and Nature Conservation, as well as the projects SELINAREST-COAST and SpongeBoost

ESP attendees may hear from project partners at the following sessions: 

18th November


  • T18b. Ecosystem services science for evidence-based transformative change in decision-making, B. Burkhard et al. 11:00-17:30.
  • B8. Ecosystem Services, Global Change and human health in Arctic and mountain regions: Challenges and solution, U. Schirpke & M. Villoslada et al. 11:00-15:30.
  • T19b. Artificial Intelligence and Ecosystem Services – Advancements in AI in the field of ecosystem services for transformative change, V. van 't Hoff, P. Cabral & F. Akinyemi et al. 14:00-17:30.


  • 1a. Leveraging ecosystem services for agroecological transitions, P. Castro & H. Freitas et al. 14:00-17:30.

19th November


  • T2 Assessing Ecosystem Condition: Integrating Science, Policy and Practice - hosted by Fernando Santos. 11:00 - 15:30.
  • T7. Making nature count: monetary valuation for transformation to nature-inclusive decision-making, N. Polman et al. 11:00-18:00.
  • T5. Ecosystem Services Modelling for Nature-based Solutions, S. Nedkov et al. 16:00-18:00.


  • B1 Coastal ecosystem management: the role of ecosystem services in decision-making and restoration actions. 16:00-18:00.


  • T13c. Nature-based solutions with societal nexus as a key for transformative change, D. Dushkova et al. 11:00-18:00.
  • S3a. Forests for a better world: ecosystem, human and economic perspectives, C. Carvalho-Santos et al. 11:00-12:30. 

21st November


  • T4b. Mapping ecosystem services to foster transformative societal change: looking at the past and the way forward, S. Le Clec'H et al. 13:30-15:30.

See the full program and learn more about the event on the conference website.

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