Pensoft to attend the 5th ESP Europe conference in Wageningen

Pensoft Publishers will participate in the 5th Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) Europe Conference, taking place from November 18-22 in Wageningen, The Netherlands.
The event, themed "Ecosystem Services: One Planet, One Health," will explore how the concept of ecosystem services can address the interconnected challenges of human, animal, plant, and environmental health.
The ESP, a global network that unites ecosystem services researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, has been organising international conferences since 2008.
Pensoft will have a dedicated booth at the event featuring information on the open-access journals One Ecosystem and Nature Conservation, as well as the projects SELINA, REST-COAST and SpongeBoost.
ESP attendees may hear from project partners at the following sessions:
18th November
- T18b. Ecosystem services science for evidence-based transformative change in decision-making, B. Burkhard et al. 11:00-17:30.
- B8. Ecosystem Services, Global Change and human health in Arctic and mountain regions: Challenges and solution, U. Schirpke & M. Villoslada et al. 11:00-15:30.
- T19b. Artificial Intelligence and Ecosystem Services – Advancements in AI in the field of ecosystem services for transformative change, V. van 't Hoff, P. Cabral & F. Akinyemi et al. 14:00-17:30.
- 1a. Leveraging ecosystem services for agroecological transitions, P. Castro & H. Freitas et al. 14:00-17:30.
19th November
- T2 Assessing Ecosystem Condition: Integrating Science, Policy and Practice - hosted by Fernando Santos. 11:00 - 15:30.
- T7. Making nature count: monetary valuation for transformation to nature-inclusive decision-making, N. Polman et al. 11:00-18:00.
- T5. Ecosystem Services Modelling for Nature-based Solutions, S. Nedkov et al. 16:00-18:00.
- B1 Coastal ecosystem management: the role of ecosystem services in decision-making and restoration actions. 16:00-18:00.
- T13c. Nature-based solutions with societal nexus as a key for transformative change, D. Dushkova et al. 11:00-18:00.
- S3a. Forests for a better world: ecosystem, human and economic perspectives, C. Carvalho-Santos et al. 11:00-12:30.
21st November
- T4b. Mapping ecosystem services to foster transformative societal change: looking at the past and the way forward, S. Le Clec'H et al. 13:30-15:30.
See the full program and learn more about the event on the conference website.