Research Article |
Corresponding author: Julia Elizabeth Put ( ) Academic editor: Christoph Knogge
© 2017 Julia Elizabeth Put, Laurens Put, Colleen Cassady St. Clair.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Put JE, Put L, St. Clair CC (2017) Caching behaviour by red squirrels may contribute to food conditioning of grizzly bears. Nature Conservation 21: 1-14.
We describe an interspecific relationship wherein grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) appear to seek out and consume agricultural seeds concentrated in the middens of red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), which had collected and cached spilled grain from a railway. We studied this interaction by estimating squirrel density, midden density and contents, and bear activity along paired transects that were near (within 50 m) or far (200 m) from the railway. Relative to far ones, near transects had 2.4 times more squirrel sightings, but similar numbers of squirrel middens. Among 15 middens in which agricultural products were found, 14 were near the rail and 4 subsequently exhibited evidence of bear digging. Remote cameras confirmed the presence of squirrels on the rail and bears excavating middens. We speculate that obtaining grain from squirrel middens encourages bears to seek grain on the railway, potentially contributing to their rising risk of collisions with trains.
Ursus arctos , Tamiasciurus hudsonicus , cache pilferage, food conditioning, caching behaviour
As an alternative to foraging independently, many animals steal food from other individuals. This behaviour is widespread in birds and mammals, can occur within and among species, and includes the active pursuit of prey-carrying individuals as well as the pilfering of resources from hoards or caches. Such strategies may be occasional and opportunistic, such as for the kleptoparasitism exhibited by several gull species (Larus spp.;
Inter-specific opportunities to steal food create the potential for food conditioning, which is defined simply as the capacity to associate food with another species (
Preventing food conditioning is especially difficult for anthropogenic products that are dispersed in time and space via sources that are ubiquitous and difficult to contain. One such situation is the deposition of agricultural products spilled by trains in the mountain parks of Canada which likely contributes to attraction and associated mortality of grizzly bears on the railway (
Here we explore the possibility that red squirrels contribute to the targeting of bears to agricultural seeds on the railway, where they are at risk of being hit by passing trains, by conditioning them to agricultural seeds in concentrated caches in their middens. Our work was prompted by the discovery in fall 2013 of a squirrel midden containing agricultural seeds that was visited by a GPS-collared bear (S. Fassina and S. Pollock, personal communication). Although grizzly bears were already known to excavate red squirrel middens to consume the seeds of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis;
The study was conducted in Banff (6,836 km²) and Yoho (1,313 km²) National Parks in Canada, along the 134 km section of the Canadian Pacific Railway that runs through the valley bottom (Figure
Evidence of bears interacting with squirrel middens for access to agricultural seeds. A Railway in Banff National Park, where agricultural seeds are found on the tracks. B American red squirrel on the railway, taken with a remote camera on time-lapse settings C Grizzly bear excavating a squirrel midden where bear signs were previously recorded during a survey of an area with high bear use. The photo was taken with a remote camera on hyperfire settings D Unsprouted agricultural seeds, visibly wheat and lentil, found at an active midden near the railway that had been recently excavated E Moldy sprouted and unsprouted agricultural seeds, visibly chickpeas, wheat, flax, lentils and canola, at an excavated inactive primary midden near the railway F Sprouted agricultural plants at an inactive primary midden near the railway.
We selected 14 sites (11 in Banff and 3 in Yoho National Parks) at which we positioned paired transects of 500 m that were near the railway (15 m from the forest edge within forest cover, and a maximum of 50 m from the railway) and far from it (200 m from the railway within forest cover). Additionally, these 14 sites were chosen to exhibit continuous forest cover and to differ by less than 100 m in altitude between the pairs of transects. When necessitated by breaks in forest cover, the transect was broken into segments of forest-covered areas that summed to 500 m. For each transect, a predetermined route was followed using a hand-held global positioning system (GPS) unit.
On sunny days between August 12th to 28th 2014, we searched for and recorded squirrel activity within 10 m of the transect line, and recorded individuals and signs of both squirrels and bears. This created an area of 1 ha (20 × 500 m) that we searched for a 1 to 2 hour period. For squirrels, within 10 m of the transect line, we recorded visual sightings, acoustic detections, active primary middens, secondary middens and inactive (old) primary middens. We distinguished active from inactive middens by squirrel occupation (i.e. observed squirrel at midden, freshly clipped pine cones and/or fresh squirrel digging), and primary from secondary middens by size (>4m2 vs <1m2, respectively). For bears, we recorded evidence of bedding, digging, rubbed trees, claw scratching on trees, digging for ants (in the ground or logs), berry feeding, herbaceous feeding and presence of scat if they occurred within 5 m of a primary midden. If scat was found, we visually inspected it for cone bracts and needles (of pine or spruce) and agricultural seeds. At the start, middle, and end points of each transect, we recorded forest type and canopy cover. The forest type was quantified by the dominant species in a count of trunks with a diameter at breast height (dbh) greater than 10 cm that were within 25 m of the plot centroid. We used a concave densiometer to quantify canopy cover. Both canopy cover and tree species are known to be predictors of squirrel density (
To confirm the presence of bears at middens and squirrels on the railway, we installed remote cameras (PC800 and PC900, RECONYX, Holmen, WI, USA) at 12 primary middens near the railway that had high rates of squirrel activity and nearby locations on the railway with a goal of confirming bear visitation to middens and squirrel visitation to the railway.
From October 8th to 21st 2014, we revisited the active primary middens we found during our first visit to sample them for agricultural seeds and record new bear activity associated with them. During this period there was not yet snow on the ground and we expected that squirrels would have completed caching cones, but bears would not yet be in hibernation (Kendall 1983). First, we recorded any new bear activity associated with the midden. Then, we used a post-hole digger (∅=10 cm) to sample the contents up to 20 cm deep in middens by collecting five samples from small middens (4–20 m2), 10 samples from medium-sized middens (21–40 m2) and 15 samples from large middens (41–60 m2). Samples were taken from areas of the midden that contained the highest level of hoarding activity, categorized by large piles of stored food items, and areas of the midden that had recent squirrel digging. When possible, even numbers of samples were taken from areas with and without evidence of recent squirrel digging. We recorded the number of midden samples with agricultural seeds, as well as the type of seeds found in each midden. During this second visit, we went back to the sites in approximately the same order as the first visit, to maintain consistent time between visits. We placed each midden sample on a bright blue corrugated plastic board, and then systematically examined small subsets of the sample for grain presence until the whole sample had been visually examined. The blue colour of the board contrasted with the midden contents, so the contents within the sample were more easily distinguishable. We recorded the number of samples from a midden that contained grain, as well as grain type.
We revisited the active primary middens for a third time from September 18th to 20th 2015 to record new bear signs. During this visit, we also measured altitude at three points along the railway at each site, at approximately parallel locations to the start, middle and end points of the transects. Altitude was measured for its potential effect on food availability for squirrels and bears.
To overcome potential differences in our ability to detect active primary middens with increasing distance from the transect line, we fitted detection functions. During the first visit, a GPS point was taken at the edge of each midden closest to the transect line. We calculated the distance of the primary middens from transect line in ArcGIS 10.3.1 (ESRI 2015). Using the Distance package (
For the statistical analysis, we assessed the significance of each predictor variable alone and each combination of two predictor variables in a series of models for each response variable. In models with two predictor variables, we added an interaction term. To assess the significance of models in relation to one another, we used corrected Akaike’s Information Criterion (AICC) values and average coefficients of the models. For each model set, we performed an analysis of variance (ANOVA) between the model with the lowest AICC value to the null model. Each model series used one response variable, these were squirrel sightings, active primary midden density, all (active and inactive) primary midden density, secondary midden density, agricultural seeds in middens, and bear digging in middens. In each series of models, transect location (near or far) was included as one of the predictor variables. Variance inflation factors (VIF) were used to test if there were correlated predictor variables (VIF > 5).
For squirrel sightings, active primary midden density, all primary midden density and secondary midden density, we used multiple generalized linear mixed models (GLMM), with site as a random effect. The squirrel sightings and active primary midden density were run with a poisson distribution, all primary midden density with a negative binomial distribution and secondary middens with a normal distribution. To obtain normally distributed residuals, we transformed the secondary midden counts by taking the natural log. For squirrel sightings and primary midden density, we included transect location, canopy cover and altitude as potential predictor variables. Visual squirrel sightings were only used for squirrel detections, owing to their correlation with acoustic detections (Kendall’s tau = 0.42, P = 0.014). Red squirrels are common and have high detectability, so false zeros for visual sightings would likely be due to the shortness of the survey period relative to their temporary absence during home-range movements (
For agricultural seed presence and bear digging in middens, we used a logistic regression. For agricultural seeds in middens, the potential predictor variables included in the models were transect location, canopy cover and altitude. For bear digging in middens, transect location, the proportion of samples with agricultural seeds detected and altitude were used as potential predictor variables. All analyses were performed in R using the packages Distance (
Among the 14 pairs of transects parallel to the railway, we detected a total of 221 primary middens and 9566 secondary middens with similar densities near and far from the rail (Table
Mean ± SD of squirrel sightings, middens, midden samples containing agricultural products, middens with evidence of bear activity, and forest cover measured on 14 pairs of 500 m transects positioned near (< 50 m) and far (≈ 200 m) from the rail in Banff and Yoho National Parks in 2014. The differences between transect means are reported as ([near – far] / far * 100) with their significance assessed via generalized linear models using the best-fitting distribution with transect location as the single predictor variable.
Variable | Transect (Mean ± SD) | Difference (%) | χ2 | P | ||
Near | Far | |||||
Squirrel density (per ha) | Sightings | 1.86 ± 1.29 | 0.79 ± 0.80 | 135.4 | 6.26 | 0.012 |
Midden density (per ha) | Primary | 8.78 ± 5.83 | 7.00 ± 6.11 | 25.4 | 2.83 | 0.432 |
Primary - Active | 1.71 ± 1.54 | 1.29 ± 1.20 | 32.6 | 0.86 | 0.408 | |
Primary - Inactive | 7.07 ± 5.20 | 5.71 ± 5.90 | 23.8 | 2.02 | 0.523 | |
Secondary | 394.21 ± 812.85 | 288.86 ± 546.79 | 36.5 | 1.81 | 0.36 | |
Agricultural seeds in middens | Proportion of middens with seeds | 0.58 ± 0.50 | 0.06 ± 0.24 | 866.7 | 14.42 | <0.001 |
Proportion of samples / midden with seeds | 0.19 ± 0.23 | 0.02 ± 0.09 | 850 | 28.49 | 0.003 | |
Bear activity at middens | All signs | 0.29 ± 0.46 | 0.06 ± 0.24 | 383.3 | 4.2 | 0.04 |
Digging | 0.21 ± 0.41 | 0.00 ± 0.00 | NA | 6.1 | 0.014 | |
Digging and agricultural seeds | 0.17 ± 0.38 | 0.00 ± 0.00 | NA | 4.79 | 0.029 | |
Bedding | 0.00 ± 0.00 | 0.06 ± 0.24 | NA | 1.73 | 0.189 | |
Digging at inactive middens | 0.09 ± 0.29 | 0.01 ± 0.11 | 800 | 6.06 | 0.014 | |
Ecological variables | Forest cover | 68.21 ± 12.1 | 71.96 ± 9.04 | -5.2 | 98.75 | 0.354 |
Of the 15 middens in which we detected one or more types of agricultural seeds or their sprouted plants, 14 were on transects near the railway and only 1 was located far from the railway (Table
We detected evidence of bear activity at seven active middens in 2014, six of which were on transects near the railway (Table
The purpose of this study was to determine whether caching of agricultural seeds by red squirrels could potentially contribute, via food conditioning, to the risk of train strikes on grizzly bears foraging for spilled grain on a railway. Our results suggest it might. Red squirrels were 2.4 times more prevalent near than far from the railway, and 14 of the 15 middens where we detected agricultural seeds were located on the near transects. Squirrels on the railway were observed harvesting grain, and we recorded digging by grizzly bears only at middens near the railway where they appeared to target agricultural seeds.
The higher density of red squirrels visually detected near the railway was likely caused by the food supplement afforded by spilled agricultural seeds. Caching behaviour is generally responsive to habitat conditions (
We observed that agricultural seeds were collected from the railway by red squirrels, and we detected them considerably more often in middens that were near the railway (Figure
The fact that we observed digging by grizzly bears in middens only near the railway and almost exclusively where we also detected agricultural seeds suggests that bears smell the seeds and target seed-containing middens. The digging signs we observed were consistent with a targeted search, although at least one observation on transects and several incidentally while doing field work suggest that bears also use middens as bed sites. We found no evidence that bears were affected by the remote cameras set up at middens near the railway, such as photos of bears approaching or manipulating the cameras. Bears are notoriously opportunistic in their foraging habits (
Additional evidence suggests that excavating squirrel middens may be a widespread behaviour by bears in this region and potentially other ones. A larger concurrent project, of which this study was a part, recorded extensive use of the forested areas near (< 1000 m) the rail by grizzly bears wearing GPS collars. Site investigations at locations with multiple fixes, detected excavated squirrel middens at 12 / 58 (21%) of these locations in 2014 and 4 / 31 (13%) in 2015, in total representing at least 9 individual bears (unpublished data). The excavated sites were attributed to 9 / 19 (47%) of the collared bears in the study area. Our remote cameras (which were not set up at all middens), captured photos of 2 different grizzly bears (one collared and one uncollared) digging into different middens. Bears in our study area also excavate middens at higher altitudes to obtain whitebark pine seeds (
Our study has identified several topics that could be investigated in future studies. One goal could be to determine whether black bears (Ursus americanus) contributed to some of the digging we observed, although this species is less adapted to digging than grizzly bears (
In summary, we have shown red squirrels frequent the railway, occur at higher densities along it, and cache several kinds of spilled agricultural seeds in their middens. We documented excavations of squirrel middens by grizzly bears that appear to be targeting agricultural seeds and comparable behaviour was evident in half of the collared bears in our study area. Together, these results suggest that squirrels may contribute, via food conditioning, to the tendency for bears to target grain on the railway, which may subsequently increase their risk of being struck by trains. In addition to conditioning bears to target grain, the caching of agricultural seeds by red squirrels, as well as their consumption by bears and other species, may cause the spread of these agricultural species in Banff and Yoho National Parks. Our study exemplifies the complexity of both food conditioning and vulnerability to train strikes associated with spilled agricultural products on railways. The only feasible mitigation for these effects is likely to reduce spillage from hopper cars via careful attention to loading and gate maintenance.
Funding was provided by the Joint Initiative for Grizzly Bear Conservation supported by Canadian Pacific Railway and Parks Canada Agency, and matched by a Collaborative Research Development Grant from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (File CRDPJ 441928 - 12). This study occurred as part of the University of Alberta Grizzly Bear Research and Mitigation Project. We thank A. Friesen, B. Moriarty and M. Raymond for their assistance with fieldwork, and S. Fassina, P. Gilhooly and S. Pollock for their help with logistics and project development. We would also like to thank an anonymous reviewer for their helpful comments.
Video of grizzly bear digging into a red squirrel midden
Data type: MPG video file
Data collected along transects
Data type: specimens data