Research Article |
Corresponding author: Andrew Slade ( ) Academic editor: Joseph Tzanopoulos
© 2021 Andrew Slade, Andy White, Kenny Kortland, Peter W. W. Lurz.
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Slade A, White A, Kortland K, Lurz PWW (2021) Natural strongholds for red squirrel conservation in Scotland. Nature Conservation 43: 93-108.
The Eurasian Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) is under threat from the invasive North American eastern Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) with 80% of the remaining red squirrel populations in the British Isles found in Scotland. In this study we develop a spatially explicit mathematical model of the red and grey squirrel system and use it to assess the population viability of red squirrels across Scotland. In particular, we aim to identify existing forests – natural strongholds for red squirrels – that can successfully support red squirrels under UK Forestry Standard management and protect them from potential disease-mediated competition from grey squirrels. Our model results indicate that if current levels of grey squirrel control, which restrict or reduce the distribution of grey squirrels, are continued then there will be large expanses of forests in northern Scotland that support viable red squirrel populations. Model results that represent (hypothetical) scenarios where grey squirrel control no longer occurred indicated that grey squirrel range expansion and the process of red squirrel replacement would be slow. Model results for an assumed worst-case scenario where grey squirrels have expanded to all regions in Scotland identified forest regions – denoted natural strongholds – that could currently support red squirrels under UK Forestry Standard management practice. The results will be used to inform forest management policy and support a strategic review of red squirrel management by land management agencies and other stakeholders.
Ecological modelling, forest management, invasive species, policy
The Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) is under threat in the British Isles. Recent estimates (
Current efforts to protect red squirrels in Scotland are focused on defending priority populations of red squirrels (
There are currently 19 sites throughout Scotland that have been designated as strongholds (
A recent study has examined red squirrel viability in designated strongholds under recommended stronghold forest management compared to UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) management for strongholds in Scotland (
Mathematical models that combine accurate habitat information, such as land-cover information provided by GIS data and data on a species’ ecology from field studies, with dynamic modelling to capture the population dynamics and species interaction can be utilised to inform conservation policy (
In this study we have developed a mathematical model to assess the long-term viability of red squirrels in Scotland. The model is based on previous models of the UK squirrel system in realistic landscapes which have adapted classical deterministic approaches (
, (1)
Here, AG (t) represents the periodic birth rate of grey squirrels which assumes births occur for only half of the year (between March and September each year, representing observed peak litter periods and periods with no breeding activity). The term for AR (t), which represents the periodic birth rate of red squirrels, is equivalent to AG (t) with the subscripts for R and G interchanged. Note, HG = SG + IG + RG and HR = SR + IR represent the total populations for grey and red squirrels respectively. The natural rate of adult mortality b = 0.9 (
The stochastic model is used in conjunction with landscape information, primarily forest composition data and information on masting, which gives forest capacity dynamics. These data provides estimates for red and grey squirrel carrying capacity at the 1 km2 level (see Suppl. material
In this paper we considered the following scenarios:
For this scenario the model was initialled with observed data for the presence of red and grey squirrels between 2014–2017 (using the National Biodiversity Network’s (NBN) Gateway, In regions where only one squirrel species was observed the model was initialised at the respective carrying capacity for that grid-square, based on available habitat types. In regions where both squirrel species were observed the model was initialised with red and grey squirrel densities at half their respective potential carrying capacities. Once initialised, the model was simulated 10 times, with each simulation being run for 10 years and an average taken, in order to allow for changes in density in grid-squares with both squirrels present and for squirrels to expand into nearby available habitat. The average result of the 10-year spin-up serves as the initial conditions for this scenario.
For this scenario the model was initiated by assuming red squirrel occupancy is as in scenario i (see Fig.
To generate results each scenario was simulated 10 times, with each simulation of the model being run for 150 years each to ensure that the model is predicting the long-term population dynamics. The simulation results are then averaged. Regarding occupancy, a grid square is classed as being occupied if there are 2 or more individuals of either species present. Habitat, carrying capacity and occupancy maps were generated using MATLAB R2018b. Simulations were run using Fortran90.
Results showing the relative occupancy of each 1 km grid square. Here (a) shows the initial occupancy, defined using the 10-year model spin-up based on observation data, as maintained by trapping at the grey squirrel control boundary, (b) shows an average occupancy of the first 30 years of the simulation after grey squirrels are allowed to disperse freely, (c) shows the average occupancy results for years 65 to 95 of the simulation where grey squirrels are allowed to disperse freely, and (d) shows the long-term occupancy (150 years after the simulation begins) of red and grey squirrels after greys have been allowed to disperse freely. A grid square is classed as being occupied if there are 2 or more individuals of any species present. The scale bar indicates the proportion of the 10 simulations that ended with either red or grey squirrel occupancy. For example, 70% red occupancy in a given grid square indicates that 7 of the 10 simulations that ended in occupancy were occupied by red squirrels. The 19 designated strongholds (
The range expansion of grey squirrels into the north-east beyond the initial expansion (through habitats in Moray and along the river Spey) is slow.
There is limited expansion in grey squirrel distribution across the grey squirrel control boundary and into red squirrel occupied regions in central and southern Scotland. In the model this range expansion occurs within the first 30 years and the grey distribution remains relatively fixed thereafter. The mathematical model has been fitted to qualitatively reproduce observed rates of red and grey squirrel expansion through suitable habitat (
Much of northern Scotland, above the grey squirrel control boundary, remains occupied by viable red squirrel populations (maps of average squirrel density for these simulations can be found in Suppl. material
Results showing the occupancy of red and grey squirrels at the end of the model simulations, when grey squirrels are assumed to initially occupy all viable habitat, are shown in Fig.
Relative occupancy of red and grey squirrels when grey squirrels are assumed to initially occupy all viable habitat. The names are of the forests that the model predicts can act as natural strongholds. Note, not all natural strongholds have been named due to overlap or close proximity to existing strongholds, which would enable their location to be determined. The 19 designated strongholds (
Density and occupancy results when grey squirrels have been introduced everywhere in Scotland. Here (a) shows the red squirrel density, (b) the grey squirrel density and (c) the occupancy results for (i) the simulation where no grey squirrel trapping was applied and (ii) the simulation where grey squirrel trapping (approx. 18 trap days per year) is applied to each grid square that contains grey squirrels. A grid square is classed as being occupied if there are 2 or more individuals of any species present. The 19 designated strongholds (
Habitat composition in regions where (a) red squirrels have greater than 80% occupancy and (b) grey squirrels have greater than 80% occupancy. Named species are from the National Forest Estate 2017 dataset whilst Other broadleaf and Other conifer data is from the National Forest Inventory 2016 dataset.
In this study we have developed a spatial mathematical model that includes the competitive and disease interactions between red and grey squirrels in realistic habitats across Scotland to assess the viability of red squirrel populations under several scenarios of grey squirrel expansion. The current strategy for red squirrel conservation in Scotland aims to restrict or reduce the distribution of grey squirrels and to maintain viable red squirrel populations in priority areas for red squirrel conservation (
The model allowed us to test ‘what if’ scenarios for red squirrel conservation and predicted that if current levels of grey squirrel control, which aim to restrict grey squirrels to their current distribution, were to end and grey squirrels were allowed to expand their range, then the process of red replacement would be slow. This would allow time for red squirrel conservation management policy to be implemented. Furthermore, during the period of grey expansion there would still remain large expanses of forest in north and north west Scotland that would support viable red squirrel populations. In the absence of control, grey squirrels are predicted to expand northwards, most notably along the north-east and northern coast, with their expansion directly north curtailed by geographical constraints (such as the Cairngorm mountains).
Our results support the current grey squirrel control efforts aimed at containing and removing grey squirrels from Aberdeen and the surrounding area (
Since large-scale grey squirrel range expansion beyond their current distribution is prevented by geographical constraints on natural migration, it will be important to provide public information regarding the threat of grey squirrels to prevent artificial dispersal, whether accidental or intentional, across geographical barriers by members of the public. History shows that grey squirrel range expansion was facilitated by humans (e.g. see
An assumed worst-case scenario where grey squirrels have expanded to all regions in Scotland identified a range of forest regions across Scotland that could support red squirrels under UKFS management practice. We define these forest sites as natural strongholds (see Fig.
A potential red squirrel conservation strategy could employ grey squirrel control to reinforce the ability of natural strongholds to sustain a red squirrel population. Fig.
An analysis of the available land-cover data indicated that the forest composition of natural strongholds is comprised predominantly of Sitka spruce in southern Scotland and Sitka spruce, Scots and Lodgepole pine in northern Scotland combined with an absence of broadleaf and urban habitat. This forest composition is already met by forest plantations in the north of Scotland, which consequently act as natural strongholds. Management would still be required to maintain a suitable tree species composition and age structure, in the face of normal timber and harvesting operations, to provide an advantage to red squirrels over greys and to maintain a viable population in the long term. Nevertheless, a review and potential change in management policy for some designated strongholds in northern Scotland may allow current efforts and resources to be reassigned to focus on vulnerable red squirrel populations that are threatened by incursions of grey squirrels. Note, whilst broadleaf and urban habitats are suitable to support viable (high-density) red squirrel populations these habitats favour grey squirrels who out-compete reds. This analysis is supported by a recent statistical occupancy model for red and grey squirrels in Northern Ireland. This study used data collected by citizen science to show that red squirrel occupancy was positively correlated with coniferous woodland and negatively correlated with urban habitat. Likewise, grey squirrels were positively correlated with broadleaved forests and urban habitat and negatively correlated with coniferous habitat (
There is consensus that squirrelpox played a key role in the competition and disease mediated invasion of red squirrels when greys squirrels expanded through England and Wales (
In this study we did not consider the impact of climate change on forest composition as it went beyond the scope of this project. However, we recognise that it will be an increasingly important factor in the red/grey squirrel dynamics and therefore red squirrel conservation in the future. Natural strongholds in Scotland largely coincide with managed forest plantations, due to their tree species composition. Thus, incorporating climate change into the model to identify natural strongholds would require knowledge of detailed future forest management plans. Climate change will influence the tree species composition in forests, maturation time and seed mast cycles (
Our findings highlight the existence of forest areas (natural strongholds) north of the grey squirrel control boundary that would currently support viable red squirrel populations without the need for species specific management. Natural strongholds, which often correspond to large commercial forest plantations, are managed according to UKFS policy and are typically composed of Sitka spruce and other conifer and pine species. Our predictions suggest grey squirrel dispersal and expansion will likely be slow even in the absence of grey squirrel control, due to geography in northern Scotland forming a barrier between the current distribution of red and grey squirrels. Together with recently published results (
This work was funded by Forestry and Land Scotland, an executive agency of the Scottish Government responsible for managing the national forest estate. Andrew Slade was supported by The Maxwell Institute Graduate School in Analysis and its Applications, a Centre for Doctoral Training funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (grant EP/L016508/01), the Scottish Funding Council, Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edinburgh.
Details on carrying capacity, habitat and grey squirrel trapping
Data type: Images, modelling details, extra results
Explanation note: The supplementary information also includes extra results that, whilst informative, were not deemed necessary in the main manuscript.