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Nature Conservation 47 (2022)
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Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions
Sara Santos, Clara Grilo, Fraser Shilling, Manisha Bhardwaj, Cristian Remus Papp

The rapid growth of linear infrastructure networks worldwide is posing a global threat to biodiversity and ecosystem services. However, in the last decades careful planning and appropriate solutions have been implemented to counteract the negative impacts of these infrastructures, that includes roads, railways, powerlines and others. Monitoring results are becoming increasingly available and innovative structures and actions are being tested and promoted. Valuable tools as landscape genetics, connectivity modelling, remote sensing, and GPS animal tracking, among other, are implemented into infrastructure planning and management. New ways of mitigation design and thinking (e.g. multifunctionality) are emerging or being consolidated. Habitats related to Linear Infrastructures are progressively seen as an opportunity for biodiversity conservation and key contributors to Green Infrastructure development.

The IENE2020 International Conference aimed to increase infrastructure sustainability by joining and sharing the experiences of those involved in linear infrastructures planning and management worldwide.

This Collection will comprise a selection of research papers presented in the IENE2020 International Conference (online, 12-14 January 2021), representing an opportunity for scientists, practitioners, agencies and policy makers to develop a new state-of-the-art in linear infrastructure sustainability. We welcome contributions related to any of the following topics:

·  Innovative solutions for Linear Infrastructure impact assessment, mitigation and monitoring

·  Challenges and opportunities for infrastructure-related habitats

·  Linear Infrastructure Ecology

·  Citizen science and the involvement of civil society

·  Legislation and Policy

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